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29 replies
  1. TheCreatrixs12
    TheCreatrixs12 says:

    I'm glad you are speaking on this Nina, because this is a huge issue in our people and I think it started with Kim K and just played on those insecurities. It’s unfortunate because we all look beautiful in all our unique shapes, but I understand it’s for confidence and neither of us are worse or better for how we choose to strive for it.

    But let’s be honest, BBLs should not be advocated for just by the simple fact that it is one of the most dangerous procedures ever. So why are you spending all that money to risk your life when people spend over a thousand just to save theirs?

    It’s wild because you gotta gain the weight first, so if that’s been your issue, it’s a requirement, so that only should show you that you have what it takes, you have the discipline

    And then you have to maintain it once you are done, or else it can cause health complications if it hasn’t already, or it won’t look right, so no matter what, this all equals and leads to you working out and eating healthy.

    You cannot escape it, so what you are signing up for is a shortcut to confidence, only to work out to maintain that confidence, otherwise you are screwed

    It will always come back to that

    It’s about discipline💯

  2. Idgie Threadgood
    Idgie Threadgood says:

    Nina, you ain't never lied! I had weight loss surgery (VSG) in 2012, and lost some weight, but I've regained a bunch because of EXACTLY what you said. It's the biggest regret of my life and I wouldn't have done it if I had known that there were so many drawbacks to having it done. I'll never go under the knife again, and I've learned to love myself and lose weight naturally for my health, not my looks.

  3. Ty Gemini
    Ty Gemini says:

    you are so right plus the results from working out and eating healthy will last way longer. looking good on the outside temporarily doesn’t change what’s on the inside.

  4. Lisa Murray
    Lisa Murray says:

    Hey Nina ❤️ Pasta and salad looks awesome 😋😋 BBL is definitely not the answer? Why have a BBL when you can do the work out and diet at home? All you need is discipline, drive and self motivation and determination to achieve your goals and save thousands of dollars!!!!! It's the same as liposuction, why get all the fat sucked out then go back to eating junk food again? It doesn't make any sense 💯 real talk. When it comes to relationships if the person doesn't accept you for who you are there not worth knowing. Never get surgery to suit any one but yourself. Do what makes you happy 💯❤️💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

  5. lala Rodgers
    lala Rodgers says:

    I got BBL in 2017 6 years later this past April I got a butt and hip reduction because it started getting big. My eating habits were not good at all. Now I know, so yes you have to maintain it defiantly. I don't see how these ladies are putting 1200cc in each butt cheek

  6. Jennifer Flowers
    Jennifer Flowers says:

    🍒🙏🏼🍒—A’mennnnnn girl on that BBL & mindset…u r ONTO SMTHN girl I can smell it…u keep doin YOU sista…always sending u TONS of my 🏆TrophyWifeLife🏆 SDcALI lovens gurlllllllll🍒


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