Backyard Garden Tour – Vegetables I'm Growing in the Desert

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John from shows you what he is growing and harvesting right now in his winter organic …

24 replies
  1. José M.
    José M. says:

    Hey John just curious where you purchase your plants in the Las Vegas valley and also how in the world do you keep cats out of your beds ? I’m having the hardest time weeding them out .
    Thank you 🙏🏽

  2. The990990990
    The990990990 says:

    Hey John, been watching you forever. I'm buying a house very soon and going from potted gardening to raised beds, something I'm very excited about. Now I have a problem, I live in a town that have deer, have you encountered this problem in any of the places you have visited, and if so what seems to work the best? Thanks in advance, love your work, keep it up man. -Logan

  3. Denise Dickson
    Denise Dickson says:

    Hey John, thanks for another great video! Question for you: With the peppers 🫑 you plant this spring, how long will they thrive/produce in your area? Do you overwinter inside or start fresh each year? You’re a great inspiration and source of knowledge for us noobs out here in Henderson (9b). Thanks again!


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