Back To Basics (Keep Carbs Low!)

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35 replies
  1. mary nguyen
    mary nguyen says:

    Hi Amy, I would like hear what you think about the argument that apart from keeping the carbs really low, it's important to increase the fat intake to at least 200g per day. Stephanie Person made lots of video emphasizing this argument. She explained that without taking lots of fat and regular fat intake, the hypoglycemia will cause rise in cortisol, which leads to gluconeogenesis, then insulin still spikes even without consuming any carbs at all. This keeps you from going into ketosis. I had been doing keto for 4 years, keeping my carbs low but still have insulin resistance. . Recently, I adopted the high fat keto ( over 200g/ day), and started to see improvement in insulin response. I hope it's not the placebo effect!

  2. Wendy Mobley
    Wendy Mobley says:

    I have done the “basics” when I first started keto and gained 15 lbs. after a year I went carnivore and have put on another 10. I even took Dr Westmans class. The weight will not budge. I’ve been keto/carnivore now for 4 years and only putting on fat. I’m now lowering my protein and upping fat, going on 7 weeks AND still NOTHING. I am a keytone chaser for my APOE4 and just not getting there. 😢

  3. Wheaties
    Wheaties says:

    So I was watching Keto with Casey, talking about what she eats in a day, and mentioned that she eats 800-1000 calories in a day and she “pushes it” when she feels “peckish” to not eat. Is this okay ? My Registered Dietitian daughter was NOT happy with what she was doing, due to attutdes toward food issues, and that low of calories needs doctor supervision,etc.
    just hate to see an influencer inadvertently be teaching things that can cause issues.

  4. jennifer covel
    jennifer covel says:

    I am a new follower and am literally trying ONE MORE TIME after overwhelming myself in previous attempts. This video is spot on 🎯 THANK YOU for the "keep it simple" reminder especially starting out! 🙂

  5. spirals 73
    spirals 73 says:

    I've gone off the rails. Brother bought a candy mix for Hallowe'en and put all the different kinds in separate bowls on the snack bar, right in front of me every morning as I make my coffee. And in the last 2 years that I've lived with him and Mom, we have had all kinds of bread, candy, muffins, pastries, pies, ice cream, donuts, chips, just junk as far as the eye can see. And she's diabetic. Unnnngh. I know it's up to me to control what I put in my piehole but I feel like an alcoholic surrounded by booze. I would bake keto treats but who has time? Not me; I work full time. They have the time but refuse to give up sugar. I cannot control their bad eating habits. It was easier when I lived alone; that stuff did not enter my house. I have to do something.

  6. Sandra Croley
    Sandra Croley says:

    I feel at my wit's end lately. I've done Intermittent Fasting for 4yrs now with just a little success when it comes to weight-loss. I will keep at it because I do feel good in the lifestyle. Eighteen months ago I gave up alcohol. It seems like since then I've had a hard time battling sugar cravings. I'd given myself grace, telling myself to get used to no alcohol. Now, the last 6 months I've put on 20lbs. It seems the more I tell myself to reduce refined carbs, the more I crave them. I feel so weak…and tired, tired of weight-loss being such a focus the last 4yrs. Part of me wants to just give up. I gave up smoking 12yrs ago, alcohol last year….why is this so bloody difficult 😫. Sorry to unload all this, I'm just so sad 😞

  7. Dora Eugenia Gasteazoro
    Dora Eugenia Gasteazoro says:

    Thank you!! That’s exactly what I’m doing. At first, I weighed everything and checked macros and micros for every meal, until I got the hang of it.

    Now I take a less rigid approach, also less restrictive. So, I try to adapt lots of dishes we like to Keto; we’re losing weight, perhaps not as fast, but with less stress and restrictions. My son and I are really enjoying this lifestyle now and I love to cook without so many complications and excessive requirements.

  8. Lori B
    Lori B says:

    Love the simplicity of this advice, Amy! I have too many things I am trying at once and, in fact, nothing is working so I need to ditch all the “800 things” I’m trying and go back to the one thing that should work: keeping the carbs LOW! Appreciate you.

  9. Ms. Amy J
    Ms. Amy J says:

    I’ve missed you Amy! I am still subscribed but I fell off the keto wagon and bounced up onto the carnivore wagon and watched more of those. It’s great to be reminded where it all started, where I started. I’ve been learning a few things here and there and as menopause sets in, learning that I may need more fats but only adding back some less toxic foods (whole rabbit hole story) because I lost my thyroid. It was great to be reminded to not stress about it all. Keep it simple keep carbs low.

  10. Stella T
    Stella T says:

    Amy what about the microbiome with VERY LOW CARBS for long time? From my experience, Keto more than 2 years did not "cure" Diabetes Melitus – II, but instead it kept it latent, while insulin got lazy. When I started inserting carbs again up to 50-80gr p/d total carbs, the DM – II got back. On the other hand the study "DiRECT Remission of Human Type 2 Diabetes Requires Decrease in Liver and Pancreas Fat Content but Is Dependent upon Capacity for β Cell Recovery" proves that the key issue is to keep the lost weight for more than 6 years, independently if you are doing Low Carb or Keto diet. For one thing I am 100% convinced by now is that, the microbiome is of capital importance and it is NOT cured by Keto alone, right on the contrary, it is not well taken care of without fiber, and when I did the Rifaximin cure of Dr Pimental, the liver detox and the detox from parasites, I went the other 50% that Keto got me into my full health path. This is my 4 years cent, with strict Keto the first 2 years with strict macros, waking up with 70 blood sugar and 4KET (during the night 5.5KET) while eating some potato (!) but practicing eTRF, something that is not valued enough for Diabetes management. Which is not about doing Keto and LC, but to eat what you should for ever

  11. Paul
    Paul says:

    I have a cooking encyclopedia from 1935… a lot of keto and keto adaptable recipes …back in the day all the ingredients had non-scientific names

  12. Tech Nerd
    Tech Nerd says:

    I have to say as a fellow ex-pat New Yorker now living in CT, I love Amy's no BS, commonsense way of explaining Keto and keeping my mind focus on the main goal. Thank you Amy. I actually fell into that exercise, fasting, sunlight, multitasking over complicated version of Keto. It is true that I have been continualling losing weight through diet alone. Exercise at the gym doesn't do much for my weight but it does clear my mind.

  13. CogLantis
    CogLantis says:

    My favorite Ina recipe is her roasted eggplant parm. I follow the recipe substituting the soft cheeses for shredded mozzarella and Parmesan. Freezable in main dish side dish portion. Delicious 😋

  14. Lou Cadle
    Lou Cadle says:

    The reason I follow your channel and no other LC channel is that you keep to the basics, and remind us that the basics work to take nearly all of us to our healthiest sustainable weight and most vibrant health. The only "other thing" I do is remain patient. (So important). I never fast. I don't worry about having a packet of sweetener per day. I exercise only because I enjoy moving. I no longer record food. Doing the basics, which are easy to learn, puts food on the back burner in my mind, where it belongs and I go about living my life, 95% of which has nothing to do with food.

    Keep being non-crazy you! It's of great value.


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