AUTUMN IS HERE VLOG | James and Carys

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AUTUMN IS HERE VLOG | James and Carys Carys’ Instagram- James’ Instagram- …

27 replies
  1. KaitlynnB322
    KaitlynnB322 says:

    B.C. means before Christ/B.C.E means Before Common Era (for whoever isn't religious) and A.D. means Anno Domini which people commonly think is "after death but it means Year of our Lord and C.E. means common era (for non religious people).

  2. Robin Richmond
    Robin Richmond says:

    I have a cousin who lives in Alaska where the sun doesn't set from late May to late July. In the winter they have dark days a period of time too I believe. It depend on how far north you are also.

  3. Notaravisen
    Notaravisen says:

    Although I totally also did buy new shoes (just 1 pair) after having our baby, tbh my feet slowly start to become normal again now (12 months postpartum). Soooo just a heads up 🙂

  4. Izzy Harvey
    Izzy Harvey says:

    JAMES at start of this vlog is hilarious 😂

    Also it’s anno Domini (AD) and before Christ (BC)

    Love this counteracting the SAD … seasonal something the downs you meant…. you guys are sunshine’s in my day!

    Yesss home cooked winter meals…. me and hubby are excited for the return of the slow cooker!

  5. Courtney Harvey
    Courtney Harvey says:

    I’m from Seattle, WA and it’s usually cold, rainy, grey, and dark all winter long. It’s miserable!!! I light tons of candles, have as much natural light during the day as possible, and have bright colors around the house that make it joyful.

  6. Jayde Mctaggart
    Jayde Mctaggart says:

    I live in Australia and it’s dark from like 6pm – 5.30am then when it’s day light savings (goes from around oct to April) it gets dark at like 7/7.30pm and doesn’t go get light until 6.30am

  7. Chrissie
    Chrissie says:

    Carys are you finding it easier to go out alone now and drive? Could you do a vlog sometime talking about it and how you have over come some of your anxiety to get out more as I am still struggling, Still at the point of avoiding things which is making it worse.

  8. Lucia Miola
    Lucia Miola says:

    With my onions and carrots I blitz them in a small food processor until they’re the size I like, I don’t mince them fully otherwise the texture isn’t great but a few blitzes and it’s so quick and easy

  9. Gaby Suryn
    Gaby Suryn says:

    I got some bad news and had a really hard day. I worked two back to back shifts on top of it and half school tomorrow… I am so tired, sad, angry and devastated. Thank you for being my safe space you guys. Thank you for comforting. For bringing me so much peace when I need it 🧡🖤🤍 love you guys.

  10. Gabby J
    Gabby J says:

    It’s amazing how much you’ve grown as a person before amber in your old videos you used to be so anxious to go out with other people and by yourself always stuck with James and now it’s so amazing to see you blossom into this new person 🥺🥺

  11. Ellie May
    Ellie May says:

    Carys I absolutely adore you, my mood was rubbish most of today and you guys just put such a smile on my face so Thankyou for being yourself always ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺

  12. Rosie Potter
    Rosie Potter says:

    Just some advice I don’t know if you have tried it yet but when little lady is poorly with a blocked nose use – Calpol Vapour Plug In & Nightlight – Lavender & Chamomile. Absolute life saver & you can get vapour stuff for the bath which also helps sooo much! Also vicks on the bottom of her feet with socks on 🥰


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