Asking Butchers Their #1 Secret to Budget Steaks Under $6

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Are you a carnivore on a budget? In our video “Asking Butchers Their #1 Secret to Budget Steaks Under $6”, we delve into the …

42 replies
  1. @yooochoooob
    @yooochoooob says:

    If you get some beef that is as tough as old boot leather … Give it up to 48 hours (pre or post seared/browned) in a Sous Vide water bath at 49c/120f (rare) , 56.5c/134f (medium rare) , 60c/140f (medium) , 65.5c/150f (medium well) , 71+c/160f (well done) … Not only will it be consistently cooked from edge to edge but the accelerated enzymatic action will break down the connective and liquefy the tissue which will join the other juices in the vacuum pouch to be collected and used for an awesome sauce/gravy 😉👍

  2. @YVM3311
    @YVM3311 says:

    Funny i just bought a couple of pork shoulders and roasted in my Dutch oven on stove top. Always perfect. Sharing with my dogs too 🙂 was on sale at $3.99! Great tips from the butchers

  3. @heyjude57
    @heyjude57 says:

    By accident, I bought a rump roast and knew it had to braise for a long time but was hungry. I cut a piece off, cut it in bite-size pieces and sauteed them very quickly in a hot buttered frypan. The meat was in the pan less than 10 seconds. It was still soft to eat and still slightly raw for all the bennies and delicious. It has that nice fat cap on it and is a cheaper cut.

  4. @s7r49
    @s7r49 says:

    never underestimate the power of sateen/velveting cheap beef. cut up into small pieces and a little time in baking soda before stir frying in some tallow and you got some nice crispy tender little pieces of cheap beef

  5. @eddiezepeda4720
    @eddiezepeda4720 says:

    Hey everybody, MY DEER Bella the queen of carnivore I have a question maybe someone knows why after indulging in meat I get like an ammonia type smell from My breath not over welming but noticable ? Anybody


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