ANXIETY & DEPRESSION: FINALLY a Safe and Effective Solution!

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ANXIETY and DEPRESSION are two of the most emotionally crippling issues that face us all. Often times you feel isolated and alone, causing you to withdraw …

27 replies
  1. Mary Mercedes
    Mary Mercedes says:

    YOU SIR, ARE THE ULTIMATE HEALER! This channel brings me to tears of gratitude sometimes and I am tough. You tell the truth. Your heart is golden. You offer so much hope to so many. This is such an important video. To prescribe psychotropic RX drugs for these issues BEFORE exploring chiropractics, diet and lifestyle as a treatment SHOULD be considered criminal malpractice and grounds for loss of medical license. But instead it is the norm. The unpublished facts are that almost all of the student shootings involve young people who are on a lethal concoction of the exact toxic drugs you mentioned. These are some of the MOST dangerous mind-altering, health destroying drugs. Almost all patients that start on even one of these drugs end up on a merry-go-round of increasing prescriptions– with little or no progress. But that is another subject. Your treatment looks fantastic. For some, just Vitamin D, light exposure, blue-blocking lens, FAR less screen time, great diet and healthful exercise are also answers. Add a good dose of FAITH. I love that you so often reiterate that we were created to be healthy and self-healing. God Bless you.

  2. statewidefilms
    statewidefilms says:

    Good work Dr Nick .
    Good on you for doing this information . I gave up all medication and alcohol and focussed on as much healthy keto as I can . I have jumped into a fantastic part of my life .
    Hope you have a blessed day .

  3. J SalterXpress.
    J SalterXpress. says:

    I lost a bunch of weight living keto and during that time was able to drop my anxiety meds. Don’t understand why that happened. I still have my down moments but learned to watch and do things to fight it off. Not watching the news and ditching social media surely helped. Now I’m seeing anxiety/depression showing up in my daughter do to a recent traumatic event but she is now seeking help and I’m helping her with what i learned from my own experiences. There’s alway a way to cope and be happy with life without drugs. Thanks for the very interesting and informative lesson. God bless all who are suffering.

  4. PG
    PG says:

    The anxiety Ive been experiencing for 14 years (im 38yo now) goes up and down but gets worse when Im making big life decisions. I always feel like im “grieving” and its awful. I felt it before my wedding and I felt it now right before we bought a new house. Constant feelings of grief. I work as a counsellor so I hear alot of negavtive things all day but I do really enjoy my work.
    I feel like I dont get happy easily anymore. But I can pretend it 🥺
    Ive tried everything but medication. I think knowledge and research helps me to aknowledge my feelings and what might be going on.

  5. Barbara Botanica
    Barbara Botanica says:

    a lot of peope here are really doctor runners…….the only thing what I need from a school doc is a diagnose, never his pills…..I am looking for the nature way to heal and prevent. my last doc visit was 12 years ago

  6. F W
    F W says:

    Wish you had a clinic here in Western Australia. Great Video, everyone should watch it. Thank you for sharing. Couldn't share this video fast enough to my FB page.

  7. Leilani Brabant
    Leilani Brabant says:

    I totally have an alpha issue with some beta mixed in. It got a lot better with lifestyle and diet changes. But I'm struggling now. It's scary at times. The bad thoughts are horrible. My brain was anxious and depressed and angry the day I got in the car accident. God bless y'all for helping people with this. I am no longer on psych prescriptions, but I do take half a Klonopin to cope at times and I use Benadryl to help me sleep. I'm a mess. Once I get through surgery, I'd like to know the details about this. I'll reach out.

  8. Moon Over Miami
    Moon Over Miami says:

    Powerful! Thank You, Dr. I lost a close friend on antidepressants 2 yrs ago. She was in her 50s. It stunned me. She was always talking about the meds she was put on were increasing her problems… She was afraid to get off them, but thought she should. Affected her thought processees.

  9. Rosie Singleton
    Rosie Singleton says:

    Every time I try to ween myself off of Zoloft – I soon become agitated, then depressed followed by a panic attack where I can not breath -happens during sleep that's jolts me up & literal feels like I'm dying – very scary. I know it's a chemical imbalance in my brain. Don't see a way to avoid this – only by taking 50 mg of setraline daily. 😓

  10. debb ingle
    debb ingle says:

    Wow! Thanks for sharing! This is from someone who has taken more than a few antidepressants & other meds to help w/anxiety and ADD. Only 1 med helped w/anxiety but also had side effects. Weening off them is a horrible experience also. Working in the medical field at the time I also had to opportunity to help those who were taking antidepressants to either ween off or change meds. Unfortunately, one of the patients took his own life after taking a popular antidepressant for only 2 wks. This was 10 years ago and it feels like it was yesterday. I worked for Dr’s who gave these meds out like candy and then don’t ween patients off these meds correctly can be very dangerous. To know there is a different method for helping patients for depression/anxiety is like music to my ears. Thank you again Dr Nick

  11. Yaquelin Llerena
    Yaquelin Llerena says:

    This is a awesome video I just want to say I was on antidepressant for 20 years When I started the keto diet I stopped everything and what help me a lot was taking the whole B family vitamins has helped me tremendously with my mental problems and of course the keto diet.

  12. Didi1770
    Didi1770 says:

    I clicked so fast. I so needed this. I’m listening. I’m not a medication taker. As a matter of fact, I am known as a problematic patient cause I go against what some doctors want me to do which is take medication. Doctors (not you) just want to provide the bandaid but not deal with the actual problem. I tell them straight when they suggest meds that I’m not a medicine taker and request if they can suggest a holistic approach. I’m seen as problematic. I’m not cooperative. I’m not. I’m not a guinea pig for you to drug up with these pharmaceutical companies. All I want is how to handle those situations I cannot change. I’ve had one only God can change in his perfect timing but while he does, I want to handle my feelings better. Just writing this causes me to become anxious and I’m trying to hold back the tears. Thank you for this. I have been practicising meditation, gratitude and the relaxation music to sleep and it has helped.


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