ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS | what I eat every week

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These are the anti-inflammatory foods I eat every week to reduce inflammation in my body. An anti-inflammatory diet can help with reducing joint pain and …

35 replies
  1. Downshiftology
    Downshiftology says:

    I'm back!!! Sorry for the long break as I've had lots of work travel over the last month. I hope you enjoy this new video and all the gems of knowledge on healthy, anti-inflammatory foods. Do you eat all of these foods? Which are your favorites? xo – Lisa

  2. Kiran Verma
    Kiran Verma says:

    i just diagnosed with RA and i am on prednisone,Methotrexate and folic acid medications, can i consume these vegetables in soup form to get same benefits or i have to eat raw.i dont want any bacteria or any infection in my body by eating these raw vegetables.

  3. Linda McNeil
    Linda McNeil says:

    I have autoimmune issues also. Like you, I found that low glycemic, whole food has been the best. I do eat all these foods and make sure I eat my proteins (including meats). I do find grains are really inflammatory for me. I just avoid, completely.

  4. Ellie Bayliss
    Ellie Bayliss says:

    I recently discovered the power of food on inflammation after having some crippling back pain. Thank you for sharing, I will be incorporating some of these foods not my routine. I am currently taking 2 tablets of Unflame Herbal which has helped immensely. Hopefully adding these foods in will allow for me to continue a healthy, natural way to heal by back pain. Thank you!

  5. Louise Thibault
    Louise Thibault says:

    My favourite quick snack is guacamole toast. For the bread I use a healthy sourdough type and toast it until it is just golden. Lots of fresh squeezed lemon juice in the guacamole too. I was diagnosed with a rheumatoid immune condition and told I would be on some type of toxic medication for the rest of my life. 8 months later and after following a strict anti-inflammatory diet with the help of an excellent naturopath, I am 98% back to normal. 🙂

  6. Vicky Dharamkot
    Vicky Dharamkot says:

    Hi madam I just watch your video about anti information food – im also safer autoimmune disease 🦠 . How about eggs 🥚 also need to stop ✋ if egg crate information in my body

  7. Jasmine Kaur
    Jasmine Kaur says:

    tomatoes, turmeric, ginger, green tea, peppers, mushrooms and olive oil (and i have 5 to 6 of these everyday). Your list is very accurate. please make more videos like it. thanks!


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