ANABOLIC CHICAGO STYLE MEAT LOVERS PIZZA | Easy High Protein Bodybuilding Recipe

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28 replies
  1. E S
    E S says:

    This looks like a really good easy deep dish and would be a great go-to if pressed for time. Will try this and use the sauce made from scratch by Excercise or Cheat Meals. Love the fusion of creator influence to make great eats!!!!

  2. Westley Wilson
    Westley Wilson says:

    This bad boy was FIRE! My whole family loved it. Our opinion is – with the exception of the Anabolic French Toast, this is one of your best recipes yet! I also bought your cookbook last year and I use it a lot, however, the Table of Contents drives my family crazy and could use some TLC. We would love to see the Table of Contents in alphabetical order – not in the order from which they were added. I know that the TOC technically should be in "Page" order but for recipes Alphabetical order would help us figure out what we want faster. Maybe as an "Index" instead of a "Table of Contents" or have both! We also think it would also help if the word Anabolic was dropped from individual recipes names to help with this alphabetical re-order – especially since we already know every recipe is phenomenal and anabolic! If you do this I will go back (along with others in my family) and LIKE every video you ever posted!

  3. Colorado Cruisers
    Colorado Cruisers says:

    Just a tip to keep everything clean and your crust from getting soggy, bake the pie without sauce for 20-25 minutes, while heating the sauce in a small pan. Add the sauce and broil for 5-7 more minutes. Cheers.


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