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37 replies
  1. Mary
    Mary says:

    In Australia, we make Honey Joys out of corn flakes for parties!:


    90g butter or margarine

    1/3 cup sugar

    1 tablespoon honey

    4 cups Kellogg's® Corn Flakes


    1. Preheat oven to 150°C.

    2. Line 24 hole patty pan with paper cases.

    3. Melt butter, sugar and honey together in a saucepan until frothy.

    4. Add Kellogg's® Corn Flakes and mix well.

    5. Working quickly spoon into paper patty cases.

    6. Bake in a slow oven 150°C for 10 minutes.

    7. Cool.

  2. valenesco45
    valenesco45 says:

    I think America is lowkey trying to poison their people from young age so they get used to eat unhealthy food, and they justify their insane prices for medical bills into making people think the higher you pay the better health system you get. Capitalism at its best.

  3. Denise MaGee
    Denise MaGee says:

    I can't say that I've eaten any of the cereals but Corn Flakes. Now though when I have a bowl of cereal it's my dessert/snack at night. I'm partial to Golden Puffs, Frosted Flakes or Honey Bunches of Oats. To eat dry, I sometimes get Apple Jacks, but I don't like those in milk.

  4. Ian Rosenbalm
    Ian Rosenbalm says:

    I'm with Eva on this one. I like plain cornflakes, and if you pair it with good milk, it actually brings out the richness of the milk without the cloying sugary taste of sweetened cereals.

  5. Joe Autuoro
    Joe Autuoro says:

    You should totally do a Part 2 video for cereals!
    Try Kix, Frosted Mini Wheats, Cap’n Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Cheerios, and Rice Krispies!

    Also, Corn Flakes are fun to use for making fried ice cream!

  6. Dan Alioto
    Dan Alioto says:

    Raisin Bran is one of the worst sugar-content cereals in existence. However, you may notice that 95% of the available cereals in America have "similar" sugar content. Which is to say high levels of sugar.

  7. Walt Locke
    Walt Locke says:

    La sigla di Pollon!! 🤣 😍 Con i corn flakes vengono delle panature spettacolari e super croccanti!
    Se li mangio a colazione invece metto riccioli di cioccolato fondente e diventano il massimo della vita. Povera te, Eva, che hai dovuto assaggiare quelle cose che sembravano giocattolini. Quello con i marshmallow che si sciolgono poi…😅
    You're both always so funny and entertaining! Keep up the good work guys!

  8. akasarahsmom
    akasarahsmom says:

    LOL.. dehydrated marshmallows so they plump in the milk. 🙂
    There is a store here that sells JUST the dehydrated marshmallows by the pound. Hehehe… I would have bugged my mother to death if they had sold them like that when I was a kid.

  9. Sailor Dave
    Sailor Dave says:

    Plain Cheerios is among the healthiest cereal we had as a kid. Kix and Life cereal were also healthish children’s cereal. As an adult I avoid the sugary children’s cereals. Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Life Cereal, & Honey Bumches of Oats are my choices.


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