Amazing Vegan Banana Bread! – Oil Free – SOS Free

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36 replies
  1. @list329
    @list329 says:

    If you want your parcement paper to stay better in place take your peace and make a little ball from it in your hands. Then open it up again and place it in the loaf pan. It will stay better in place and is easier to handle when filling your loaf pan

  2. @nancyh697
    @nancyh697 says:

    You are one of the most entertaining folks of all my vegan vids I watch for foods and recipes! Love those tastings, soooo often followed by "oh, let it cool first!" LOL πŸ™‚ Keep up the great work!

  3. @willycat7445
    @willycat7445 says:

    Well, I made this. Do you need a Door Stop❓️❓️ Oh my word this is as hard as the Rock of Gibraltar. Followed your directions exactly dunno 😝 not soft at all.

  4. @elizalewis984
    @elizalewis984 says:

    Thank u fr sharing I m looking fr an eggless banana bread think I will try urs these days everything seems hv in sugar eggs butter oil etc but I like ur version sure will try dis one thanks again

  5. @andreawalker7138
    @andreawalker7138 says:

    I was looking forward to trying this recipe today, and then I found out my husband threw out the "bad" bananas this morning. Arrgh.😑  
    Now I'm off the to the store to buy more bananas. 🍌🍌🍌😁

  6. @patihopkins5190
    @patihopkins5190 says:

    Hi Dillon. Thank you so much for sharing this video. Especially the editing notes so ur viewers have it just right in one attempt.
    On ur flax eggs am i right in thinking the 1/4 cup flax (meal) w 3/4 cup water is equivalent to 2 eggs? I am wanting to use this sub in other recipes…..THANK YOU DILLON!

  7. @kimclark399
    @kimclark399 says:

    So I have been making this banana bread for some time, and I usually substitute 1/2 cup soaked and then pureed raisins for the dates because I always have those handy. I was recently looking for a way to use up the zucchini in my garden and substituted it for the bananas in this recipe and it was awesome! I used One Degree Organic sprouted whole wheat flour and also doubled the amount of raisins to 1 cup because I thought it wouldn't be sweet enough and it worked pretty good. Might need some tweaking, but overall it was good. Thanks for this awesome recipe inspiration!

  8. @ruthannamarteifio2521
    @ruthannamarteifio2521 says:

    Make sure you check the label to see how much sodium is in the baking soda——For people who are closely watching, this could make a big difference!
    Looks good—-I'm gonna' give this a try—-I love that you use only bananas and dates to sweeten!! πŸ™‚

  9. @lanilok3696
    @lanilok3696 says:

    I had no idea that you were on You Tube. I have been following Dr. McDougall, all the others plus chef AJ. It wasn’t until I watched her video on your SOS sauces that I discovered you. I ordered the sauces right away since the sauces in Hawaii are very salty, sweet and can contain oil. I received your sauces today and I am so excited to try them. thank you for your products, recipes and websites.


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