Amanda Haas helps break my Pegan reset recipe book wide open

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Amanda Haas brings a few new recipes and ideas to the table for the last few days of my 21-day Pegan reset. Roasting a smorgasbord of mixed nuts, a trick for …

37 replies
  1. M Ski
    M Ski says:

    High fat is not healthy long term on the kidney and liver. “Sugar” cravings are because your body wants glucose in the way of fruits. Our bodies thrive on fruits. The reason that you don’t feel satiated on a low-fat diet is because fruits and vegetables are not as caloric dense as fats so you need to eat a lot more of them to achieve satiation. Which is a GREAT thing for our bodies to add more fruits and veg. FATS= meats, dairy, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds and oils.

  2. dreamervanroom
    dreamervanroom says:

    I dont get rid of the core! I slice it thin and then cook it too. Waste is bad. Using is good.

    If you have a food processor then use it to make Cauliflower-bits. (It isn't rice; it is just that size for fast cooking.)

    Chicken breast: cut it to even thickness slices and poach it.

  3. mac
    mac says:

    Hi, Katie Still like you however I think your diet sucks., give me a 3-inch steak and mashed potatoes. I will give you a 4……………………………MAC

  4. Lucy Buehl
    Lucy Buehl says:

    Ok I'll say this again- if you don't eat what your body needs then your stomach will continue to tell your brain that it is hungry.
    Eat protein in the morning- smoked salmon, steel cut oatmeal, chicken, tuna, avocado. You're body is hungry in the Morning and it needs protein .

  5. Leslee Watson
    Leslee Watson says:

    I got rid of hidden sugars that were keeping me intoxicated by sugar. Ketchup, relish, bbq sauces etc… if the label has a sugar listed within the first four ingredients, it’s got to go.

  6. cloudbird bonin
    cloudbird bonin says:

    Hey Ladies…I truly appreciate Mark Hyman, he was one of my teachers at the Nutritional Therapy Association when I became a Functional Nutritionist Therapist in 2008. There is one significant difference that I would offer on the Spiced Nut recipe. Don't roast those nuts! The Omega Fatty Acids in nuts are vulnerable to heat-light-oxygen. Instead, soak the nuts overnight, especially any with those brown skins (almonds, walnuts)..less for cashews and pumpkin seeds (esp good source of Zinc for men!). Drain and thoroughly rinsed. While they are still 'damp', add a bit of melted Coconut Oil and the Spice Blend. Then dehydrate in a food dehydrator until crisp, at a temperature just under 118 degrees, to maintain the important enzymes. Much healthier version!

  7. MJ Wethington
    MJ Wethington says:

    With 2 to 3 cups of green tea each morning, I vary light food intake; put goat cheese between 2 half walnuts; mini sandwich -about 3 (-goat cheese Harmon approved); cauliflower risotto with spinach, mushrooms, & chopped garlic, sometimes an egg yolk with it; like hemp seeds instead of chia seeds — has both Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids; great brain and energy food add whole cream -heavenly, and also love roasted vegetables especially artichokes and green beans with ghee; Lately I’ll do a sardine bowl with KALAMATA olives & fermented jalapeño slices (can’t be out done on bowl meals by Panda Express, favorite of Grandson.)💚💚

  8. MJ Wethington
    MJ Wethington says:

    I’m ignoring sleep at 4 AM and binging on KC VIDEOS😇😇 But love that they are cooking together. I do low carb – keto style and never hungry – so many delicious flavors to enjoy when you use real food and buy organic seasons AS WELL AS SEASON WITH FRESH HERBS.. I really need a new stainless skillet🤞🏻just not in my budget as helping family in hospital with extra meals, transportation and keeping utilities on.


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