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Today we’re going to talk about if I’m okay and I’m answering many of your questions! Thank you to for …

31 replies
  1. Aliza Terrell
    Aliza Terrell says:

    Thank you for taking the time to touch base with us. During your time of healing and reflection please know that we are sending Love and Prayers for you and your family. This viewer will be here whenever you can be back. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Imallama Too
    Imallama Too says:

    Dearest Jamerrill – please take care of yourself. Momma survival mode is a real thing. It's a season in your life, not forever. I remind myself of this often. The Lord's mercies are new every morning. My husband just got out of the hospital after 13 days from kidney failure. Kidney biopsy revealed he has a rare vasculitis autoimmune disease called Wegener's. Our lives have been turned upside down, but we are thankful to finally know what we're dealing with. My plans for sourdough, sprouting, gardening, etc have all been put on hold. I'm struggling, but I know this too, shall pass. My dad was fond of saying, "man makes plans, and God laughs". You and your family are in my prayers. 🙏 ❤️

  3. Eve M
    Eve M says:

    U just be U !! If u want time off then so be it , if u need to rest a few days a wk , a month so be it ! If u dnt want to prep or cook so be it ! U just do U okay ….❤❤❤

  4. Gretchen Shafer
    Gretchen Shafer says:

    I really admire how you give yourself so much grace. You are giving yourself time to breathe during this hard season and learning what can go on the back burner. As moms we often feel like we have to do it all but I really admire your pure honesty. You are a great mom and I'm glad you are teaching us all that it's not "all or nothing. " If we need to step back in a season, everything will still be ok! You always gind a way to keep your kids and family at the center of it all! Much love from Minnesota ❤️

  5. Cheryl Pritchard
    Cheryl Pritchard says:

    Hi my friend so lovely to see you sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do you have had a life event and you have to take time to heal and do what's best for you and your family I'm just thankful to see you chatting and telling us what's going on please take care god bless 🥰🌹

  6. Carrie M
    Carrie M says:

    Your health and mental well being is most important….a happy Mom and Wife makes a happy home.
    I take washed and cored tomatoes and purée them up and then bag that up and put into the freezer, I then use as needed to make recipes. I could not do marathons of canning as you do so this preserves the harvest for me.
    Then I’ll take how ever many bags I need to make two or three recipes for the week….say, tomato meat soup and add veggies for more bulk…….spaghetti sauce and add hamburger and sausage…….then sloppy Joe…..if sauce needs thickening I use beef bone thickener. Using my 12 quart instant pot ( great for fast sloppy joes) and roaster for soup or sauce and I can have that cooking as I work thru my day.
    It’s easy to take a portioned bag of onions, peppers and celery from freezer and pop it in…whalla dinner is a cooking. Enlisting the help of older children makes less stress on you and more gets done so you can have Mommy time …..
    So videoing a couple of meals with how to quick steps is enlightening because really how many homes have a huge kitchen with all the equipment as you do……I’m sure watching you overwhelms some of the new preppers……all those veggies and all this and that…😮just a suggestion……watching you do a large pot of soup is just as informing as five huge pots of the same.
    I watch Three Rivers Homestead and she just did a daily prep of something from her garden and posted it once or twice during the week….to me it encouraged me to get something done but not spend ten hours and a lot of stress to get it done. Once again your health is important and cold and flu season is near , being run down won’t help ward them off…🙏 blessings from a home preserver for many years….👵🏻

  7. Pamela Jackson
    Pamela Jackson says:

    Jamerrill you are doing your best and that is all we can ask of ourselves, espeially as Mamas! You continue to move forward in grace. Take your time in getting back in the race. This will be here when you return to it. I am praying with you during this season. You are prepared for this season. Stay focused on Jamerrill!!…just for a little bit. You Got This!! MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BE YOUR SOURCE OF STRENGTH, HEALING AND PEACE. You got this!! 💖💖

  8. Sara Anderson
    Sara Anderson says:

    My dad committed suicide August 14th, 2 days after my 59th birthday 😢 so it has been rough couple of weeks. What gets me through the day is knowing that he’s not in pain anymore. He lived a long life was 82 and in pain everyday so am glad he’s not in pain anymore. I love seeing anything you film Jamerrill ❤️🥰

  9. Amanda Williams
    Amanda Williams says:

    I didn't think it was possible for me to ❤Jamerill more. My heart is broken for your loss and I have been praying for your sweet family. Thank you for trusting your community enough to share these very difficult times with us. As a Mama that has lost a baby and a grandma that has lost a grandchild, this means so much and just shows us that we are not alone in our struggles.

  10. Txtea Ranch
    Txtea Ranch says:

    I am so glad you are real and show your true side of emotions. there is a time for everything. It is very important we don’t skip the time to grieve.
    You showing us that you are normal help the rest of us to also speak up when we are down. Take all the time to grieve or whatever you want to do.

  11. Pam Johns
    Pam Johns says:

    You look beautiful in the sunshine and greenery of the park. Praying the fresh air has lifted your soul. No apologies ever needed concerning groceries, etc. you take care of you 🩷🙏🙏🙏

  12. John Lavrusky
    John Lavrusky says:

    Dear J, I have said that this is the decade of my 70’s and it has been “sh——“ and that is what I have called it
    Have had major surgeries, lost nieces to Covid (two in one week), many orthopedic issues and Vaso vegal syncope episodes.
    Some times it is hard to get kick started so I understand how you feel.
    Just do what you can and the rest will get done when the time is right. Your family knows that you love them so that is what is really important.
    God’s blessings to you and yours❤️


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