Alton Brown's Stovetop Mac & Cheese Reloaded

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From the lost season of Good Eats: Reloaded, the new and improved Stovetop Mac & Cheese recipe. Click here to order your …

31 replies
  1. Gemma Seymour
    Gemma Seymour says:

    That is so overly complicated for mac and cheese. Here's mine: 120 g pasta, 120 g mild cheddar, 90 g heavy cream. Season to taste. You can probably figure it out on your own, but if you can't: cook the pasta normally. While the pasta is cooking, put the cheese, cream, and seasoning in a nonstick skillet and heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until cheese is melted. Take care not to boil the sauce. Drain the pasta, mix it into the sauce. Eat it.

  2. RS
    RS says:

    Alton Brown: Don't buy that, that's a unitasker!
    Also Alton Brown: buy this spice you've never heard of for some Mac and Cheese

    🤣 Love you AB

  3. The Rock'n'Roll Millennial
    The Rock'n'Roll Millennial says:

    Pretty sure Mr. Brown will never see this, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciated Good Eats, even from a VERY young age. The first run of the show started when I was 4, and I just really loved cooking shows, even from that young. Alton was like the fun uncle to me, teaching me about cooking, and although I haven't grown up to become a gourmet chef, I always kept that childlike curiosity about learning, and especially food, So, thank you, Mr. Brown, for the wonderful learning sessions and good laughs.

  4. Msvalexvalex
    Msvalexvalex says:

    I was hangry and desperate, so I made half the amount of this recipe with regular milk (used less), cayenne pepper (used waaaaay less), a brick of frozen chopped spinash (I'm so sorry Mr. Brown) and just regular cheddar cheese. And the egg and mustard.

    It was freaking delicious. And as quick to make as boxed mac and cheese!

    I'll soon try it again with the right ingredients. Maybe.

  5. Matthew Ohan
    Matthew Ohan says:

    What kind of feta are you using? There are at least 12 kinds in my local stores ranging in salt content and creaminess. Greek, Helena, Californian, Armenian, etc…

  6. Jordan Sugarman
    Jordan Sugarman says:

    Kind a glaring oversight (or maybe you just want people to buy the book): you never mention how much pasta the recipe calls for. Since it's an adaptation of the original, I'm going to assume it's for 8oz, which I never understood. Pasta is generally sold in 1-lb packages in the US. Who cracks open a package of pasta and only uses half?

  7. Cancun Carl
    Cancun Carl says:

    I've yet to see or taste an Alton Brown recipe that wasn't repulsive. Like, congratulations on becoming a successful food show guy while simultaneously pumping out the most egregious recipes the world has ever seen. It's an absolute wonder. Did you also invent surströmming?

  8. Jessica Syverson
    Jessica Syverson says:

    How would you change this for an electric stove? It retains heat a lot more than a gas top so I've had to adjust my cooking to it. Took me quite a few tries to even get white rice right on it.


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