Aloo Gobi | Forks Over Knives Meal Planner Recipes: Episode 1

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23 replies
  1. Carol Wong
    Carol Wong says:

    I love this dish. I make it all the time. I actually use the recipe from the Forks Over Knives cookbook with chef Del Sroufe. I love using fired roasted tomatoes. Thanks for sharing.

  2. LA Dory
    LA Dory says:

    I looked at the meal planner. I thought FOK was SOS but I see salty and fatty items in these recipes. I have excruciating neuropathy in my feet. I kept a food diary and found that it's definitely salts and oils/fats that cause it to flare up. When I avoid those, I have very little or no pain. I'm looking for recipes without salty or oil/fatty ingredients.

  3. Char Covelesky
    Char Covelesky says:

    Curious … what's the point of sautéing some vegetables separately instead of just adding all the ingredients together? Is there really that much of a difference in taste? Browning in oil I get, but if you aren't using oil couldn't you just skip it? I don't have a decent non stick pan, so mostly I cook in the IP. I've never noticed a huge difference so I've come to favor just heating my liquid while I'm prepping ingredients, and then tossing everything in… because I'm impatient and not fussy… so what am I missing?

  4. Peter 3.0
    Peter 3.0 says:

    I'm annoyed, AJ. I've seeing insipid comments that "Oh, but McDougall is too thin, I need to eat a steak!" And I needed to vent.

    Anyone who thinks, "ooh, Dr McDougall is too thin, he looks frail, therefore his diet is bad!" Let me illustrate your logical failures with some counter-examples. Bob Harper looked GREAT right before his heart attack. Charles Poliquin looked BIG AND STRONG, right before his fatal heart attack. Shawn Rhoden had an AMAZING body right before his fatal heart attack. No one was too worried about Bob Saget's rather small amount of excess bodyfat before he keeled over. LOTS of "perfectly fit" or "normal" younger people are dropping dead of heart disease and other causes, because their "balanced diets" are killing them. The slim people, the very slim people, the shockingly slim people, are the ones living longer with less illness.

    Diets which pack on body mass, actually SHORTEN lifespan. Being overtly muscular is BAD for your health. The very process of building excess muscle mass is one of chronic overfeeding and the resultant metabolic and oxidative stress. If anyone doesn't want to be as thin as McDougall, they should eat more calories than he does, and do a little strength training. But NEVER allow yourself to become deluded that his advice is wrong, just because he looks a certain way that doesn't fit your idea of what good health "looks" like. The scientific evidence backs him up, without question. For every one "frail vegan" I can name 10 fit-looking people who died in spite of their "good" looks. People are not dying from being underweight or vegan! They're dropping dead because they are OVER-weight, eating diets of constant caloric excess, with ironically rampant nutrient deficiencies!

    My advice to the "but McDougall is thin, tho" crowd is – look at everyone (most people are significantly overweight!) around you, and think for a second how stupid you'd sound, before you decide to talk nonsense about an entire way of eating, just because one man "looks too thin."

  5. Barry Anderson
    Barry Anderson says:

    Wonderful foundation recipe demonstration my good Weight Loss fellow Chef AJ….. I will bring my followers over to your camp ASAP to help them learn more about the Natural Culinary ways of our forefather ancestors alike. Your Good Earth Chef and Friend for LIFE Holistic Chef Barry Anderson co-founder of the Garden Villa Phuket Thai Wellness Nature Retreat Phuket Thailand.

  6. Amber Fowler
    Amber Fowler says:

    This is one of my favorite things to batch cook. I would like to share that traditionally you would want to add the spices to the onions after they have been sautéed, cook with the onions to release and cook out the flavor for about a min or two. Then add the tomatoes and simmer it down for about 4-5 minutes and then add the rest of the ingredients. You get a more rounded, robust flavor this way.


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