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27 replies
  1. Eric S
    Eric S says:

    Remington I appreciate the business you're trying to build with the Anabars. Could you also use that warehouse to sell and ship these grocery haul items? If others here are like me, they're here to learn about recipes and grocery hauls like this one. I struggle hard to find fat free cheese (have to go to 4 stores sometimes), fat free singles (impossible to find), fat free cream cheese, and other products that seem highly available at HEB or near you. No joke, if you'd create a "Hello Fresh"-style ("Hello Shred?") grocery shipping service that packed the most anabolic hard-to-find items into coolers and sent them monthly, I'd pay a hefty premium and a subscription fee. I'd commit to a monthly minimum as well. You could also use this to sell your final boss aminos, protein powders, LA clothes, etc. I'd just say, let us buy the stuff from you that we come here daily to learn about. I'd be your first subscriber. Keep it up man, love the content.

  2. John Smith
    John Smith says:

    1. collaflour rice is a great volumizer, and very versatile. +1
    2. check out fairlife (low carb high protien, ultra filtered) milk – it's a game changer
    3. heinz makes SF ketchup too, it's better than that other brand and cheaper
    4. nooch is bomb, great umami flavor booster and you can make cheese sauce with it

  3. misterRDF
    misterRDF says:

    Panko breadcrumbs always gives me a chuckle… Panko means breadcrumbs… breadcrumb breadcrumbs, is what it reads. Aside from that, fantastic video, gave me some good ideas.

  4. ADoug
    ADoug says:

    I started my weight loss journey over a year ago. I went from 350 lbs to 225 lbs. Just about everything from your grocery hauls is exactly what my diet consists of. Anabolic recipes are definitely the way to go!

  5. betty4gators
    betty4gators says:

    I lost weight and got healthy over 5 years ago and I use almost all the products you listed. They taste the same or better than the higher calorie alternatives. You did have a couple of new things I will try. Like you I want to eat well but not gain weight so these types of foods are great.

  6. B G
    B G says:

    Ima get back on track man, i binged hardcore on monday and gained 10lbs, yes just in 1 night lol. I know it's alot of water retention and bloating but it feels so awful and yeah

  7. hollywood25
    hollywood25 says:

    Anyone have suggestions about the fat free cream cheese? I'm addicted to the anabolic s'mores sandwich, but haven't seen it at my Walmart or local grocery store in forever. Been having to use the 1/3 fat stuff and trying to watch my intake on other meals.

  8. spark2510
    spark2510 says:

    I can't find the fat-free cheese in North Seattle at any grocery store. I haven't tried Walmart yet cuz they're a bit far from where I'm living. Does anyone know where I can find some up here?

  9. Spiciercrowd9
    Spiciercrowd9 says:

    Hey man, love your videos and the cookbook is on point. I have a really quick question. Are the recipes just for one serving? Should I double it for two people? Love what you are doing! Keep rocking it! This dude is the real deal and the cook book is life changing!

  10. Victoria Youmbi
    Victoria Youmbi says:

    I'm new to your channel..learned about u from Nicole Burgees channel. I am just coming off of keto which I've been doing for 3years.
    Im pretty nervous to gain my weight back from eating carbs but i cannot do keto long term you have any tips for switching to this diet from the complete opposite?
    Do i still need to get electrolytes from Himalayan salt?

    I have been so used to eating keto and learning that way of life that now I'm so lost on how to "eat normal"


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