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… MACHINE: https://amzn.to/3ep1tv5 RICE COOKER: https://amzn.to/2yDHQ2e PIONEER WOMAN INSTANT POT: https://amzn.to/2GcK3UV PIONEER WOMAN …

30 replies
  1. Cassie Cross
    Cassie Cross says:

    Did wildman get into the tin foil? Haha, was just wondering cuz it was all wrinkled up๐Ÿคฃ Or if you have ur hubby save them more power to ya girl!! Mine would not๐Ÿคฃ I thought about buying those reusable sandwich bags but I just see them getting lost or thrown out, plus washing them and stuff just seems weird to me. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป

  2. Creative Homemaker
    Creative Homemaker says:

    Hi there! Can you do a video on how you plan your day using your planner? I love my planner and use it daily, but you seem so organized and Iโ€™d love to know how you manage to get everything done. Iโ€™ve been watching your prep with me videos and what you eat in a month, so thank you for the inspiration and new ideas! Blessings!!

  3. Angela Miller
    Angela Miller says:

    I only make a menu for supper. I make mine out weekly, but something usually always change on them. My husband has been having stomach problems so I haven't been cooking reg meals at night. He has been eating chicken noodle soup,crackers and a grilled cheese sandwich some nights then just eating cheese and crackers other nights. I fixed me a GV thin crust pepperoni pizza so I ate it for lunch and supper and a glass of milk. It was so good. Cant beat 2.78. I love when I don't have to cook big meals, but after a few days I crave a good meal again. Love good ole country food. Fried chicken,pinto beans, corn bread, mac & cheese, mustard and turnip greens, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, beef roast. Could text forever one the food we love to eat. You always have such a variety of different meals. They always look so delicious because you make them a a whole lot of love! That makes a difference. I make things with alot of love too. Not too many more weeks until your little bundle of joy will be here! Can't wait to hear what her name is. Have a great weekend!

  4. Nicole Deysher
    Nicole Deysher says:

    I know you've had it for a while now, but where did you get that sliding barn door cabinet in your kitchen that has your instapots/crock pots in? I love it and tried to find something similar for my kitchen and cannot. I'd love to know where you got it from to see if they still have it. Thanks!

  5. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Hi Tiffany, Great lunches for everyone….pizza bagels look delicious too. Choices and mix of fruits n veggies are terrific.
    Your hair looks so shiny and bright in the camera. The family girls all have beautiful hair.
    Take cate.
    Have a fun and blessed day/weekend.


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