A Productive Day At Home Resetting The Kitchen!

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19 replies
  1. @roxannehernandez3131
    @roxannehernandez3131 says:

    im not sure if its actually helpful but i have seen a lady store her avocados (that still have their nub on them) in the fridge submersed in water? she mentioned that it keeps her avocados fresh and prevents them from ripening too quickly =] hope this helps let me know if it does work if you decide to experiment =]]

  2. @bettyscott4761
    @bettyscott4761 says:

    I agree with you on the avocadoes. I now buy them totally green. Store them in the fridge, pull them out one at a time, and leave it out until it's ripe. They last quite a while in the fridge.

  3. @debichats8634
    @debichats8634 says:

    Wonderful video Elizabeth ! I’m always happy to see more content from you! My husband needs soup without broth…..stew…He’s a pain but I love him! Your soups would really make me happy if HE would eat them without complaining……LOL He says he’s not a soup person……I’ll teach him eventually!!!! I’m working on it!!! ❤️❤️❤

  4. @rebeccawoodbixler9536
    @rebeccawoodbixler9536 says:

    I’m glad you’re feeling better. Your kitchen table is so pretty and I love how you shop….same as me. 😉About the avocados, I’ve seen people put them in a bowl of water and store them in the fridge, then about 5 or so days they took them out cut them and they were perfect. I need to try it. 😊

  5. @aloras405
    @aloras405 says:

    Hey Elizabeth, did you know you can make brown sugar? If you keep molasses and sugar, you can mix 1 cup sugar with 1 to 2 tbsps molasses together and it’s the best brown sugar ever! I use my stand mixer and it takes 5 minutes tops and you get to control the ingredients.

  6. @innasoibelman6913
    @innasoibelman6913 says:

    Hi, Elizabeth! I love your videos and hearing your calming voice.
    Just one note, as an Israeli, this is not real cuscus, it's pasta. Like orzo.
    Real cuscus is made from semolina flour.
    Your target audience is probably from US and they won't know the difference, but you know, we are dealing with food here, it's important to be accurate, lol 🙂 🙂

  7. @karend8575
    @karend8575 says:

    So my daughter in law commented on my “funky shaped carrots” a few weeks ago. I told her they were delicious! I just texted her to tell her you posted and to check out your carrot! lol! Hope you are feeling better!! 🥰


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