A little upgrade to the humble instant ramen 🍜

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35 replies
  1. Fitgreenmind
    Fitgreenmind says:

    RECIPE (1 serving, 5-10min prep time):
    -1 package instant ramen (make sure it’s vegan)
    Add it to the pot with the right amount of water
    -1 Tsp Gochujang (or a bit more if you can handle heat)
    -1 Tsp sesame oil
    -1 Tbsp vegan cream
    -70g tofu, cubed
    -a handful of greens (pak choi, chard, spinach…)
    Bring to a simmer and cook 3-5mins.

  2. John Kozup
    John Kozup says:

    Here in USA I get the Ramen style noodles at Walmart for about $0.25 per 3 oz dry. Boxes of 12. That's a full cup+ of noodles when cooked with broth from the seasoning packetl. Sometimes I snack on just the noodles, but if I'm going out and the activity later has food I'll enhance the staying power of the dish with at least a mirepoix of veggies(1/2 cup @ carrots, onions, celery, peas). They are certainly worth the money and I put them to good use. Since I am in love with oil and garlic pasta I can have it from scratch in 5. Minutes. It also works for Casio y Pepe. My secret hacks.


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