A HEARTWARMING Fish and Rice Soup for those Cold & Chili Days

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EPISODE 823 – How to Make a Spanish Fish and Rice Soup | Sopa de Pescado y Arroz Recipe FULL RECIPE HERE: …

41 replies
  1. Chef RBS
    Chef RBS says:

    Amazingly delicious, mouth watering soup recipe๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿคค

    Very well prepared and presented. watched and shared. ๐Ÿ‘

    Loved your preparations process.

    Hope u would like to visit my new recipe too.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

  2. Colourless
    Colourless says:

    This looks delicious, here in Elche and south Alicante in general it's more often called ''Arroz caldoso de pescao''. I remember my grandma used to make this from time to time when I visited her, she never taught me her recipe, but now I can proudly learn it from you hahaha

  3. Tahuan Tinsuyo
    Tahuan Tinsuyo says:

    Great recipe. Experiment with quinoa, and perhaps some garbanzo as well. In fact, with the rice add quinoa along with the rice. The quinoa adds a thickening element to the soup, and it will not overwhelm the rice.

  4. DownButNotOutYet
    DownButNotOutYet says:

    Good afternoon, another winning recipe so nourishing and it really looks so delicious. There are such good ingredients in that soup, and all those flavours combined that will be a very satisfying plate of soup. Thank you for sharing, many blessings to you.

  5. SouLoveReal _
    SouLoveReal _ says:

    Albert: Just TOO yummy.๐Ÿ˜‹ Definitely making this one. I've not cooked with round rice before but
    (as always) here goes โ€” starting here. Thanks again. (Fan from San Francisco, California.) *!!~


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