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Welcome to Vlogtober. It’s my favourite month of the year and there will be a video everyday (hopefully) and I look forward to …

20 replies
  1. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    I love lasagna, but we don't do the cottage cheese or racotta ours is just basically spaghetti with lasagna noodles. It's the way my grandma did it even tho isn't traditional and my hubby doesn't like it with cottage cheese,.

  2. Betty Pierce
    Betty Pierce says:

    We are thin-crust people. Light on the sauce, lots of toppings and cheese. I laughed when I saw Hunter's little nose in the video. Linus was so cute after his spa trip. As always, I enjoyed watching you in the kitchen. God bless you and yours.

  3. Donna Wiseman
    Donna Wiseman says:

    Oh, wow, that lasagna and pizza looked so good!!! My hub’s doesn’t like either, so I never make them, and I miss it so much!! The pups are so cute always sitting there waiting and watching. They’re adorable.

  4. Amy Bennett
    Amy Bennett says:

    I think they looked fine! I will say, I only learned that people put cottage cheese in lasagna from YouTube! I love your comment about not always needing to be busy or productive. I think being busy has become this weird flex in our world, and I’m not here for it! I’m more impressed by relaxation and calmness 💙

  5. Maggie Anne
    Maggie Anne says:

    Nothing beats home made lasagne. Yours looked pretty delicious to me I've never made it with the cottage cheese filling before though. I'll definitely have to try it next time


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