8 Homemade Candy Recipes for Halloween & Beyond!

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Hello Food Wishers! Chef John’s Corporate Overlords here with 8 homemade candy recipes in time for Halloween. Don’t throw …

32 replies
  1. JazzYolo
    JazzYolo says:

    If you were the steve jobs of your dangerously hot blobs, everyone in the world would be hooked on them like crack and there would tons of kids in china dying from 4th degree burns

  2. The Tinkerer's Wife
    The Tinkerer's Wife says:

    You mean it's not break a tooth brittle? 😂
    My mom spilled hot brittle on her arm when she lost her grip on the pan while transferring it onto a cookie sheet. It was horribly painful, and seared that lesson into mind forever.

  3. j d
    j d says:

    I have a question. Can you use the pumpkin seeds from the store that are white and salted? I don't like the green seeds, but I love the other kind. Also, thank you so much for that first recipe. I am allergic to all nuts, but I can eat seeds.

  4. rastynicc
    rastynicc says:

    I can't tell if Chef John reassuring people about corn syrup vs high-fructose corn syrup directly after adding white sugar is a running joke or not.
    Hfcs and sugar are the same levels of unhealthy, it's just the primary sweetener for the majority of unhealthy foods and drinks in the US, which of course would cause it to be the main cause of sweetener-related health issues. Replace it with sugar and the results would be the same.

  5. David Potter
    David Potter says:

    Thank you for the grandmas peanut butter fudge recipe. I have my grandmas recipe and now after watching you make yours I’m going to make hers this year! She’s gone now but her recipes will always live on! Thank you and Happy Holidays!!

  6. Kelly Foster
    Kelly Foster says:

    If you do not have a candy thermometer, you can use a water test. Put cool water in a bowl, big enough to fit you hand in, drop a bit of the hot candy into the water in bowl, wait a min a then retrieve your candy from water, if it dissolved or is soft, for a hard candy, cook longer until candy dropped in water is hard and brittle.


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