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For a total of $80 off plus free shipping, go to https://GreenChef.us/jenchapin80 and click Get Started! Thank you so much for watching this Mediterranean recipe …

38 replies
  1. Lynda Emge
    Lynda Emge says:

    I love this video. These recipes look very easy. Let me ask you about grass fed ground beef. I've tried to cook this in several recipe's but I cannot get passed the sour smell and taste. How do you get past that? Do you smell and taste is as well?
    Keep up the great videos.

  2. Alison Strickland
    Alison Strickland says:

    Adding Parmesan rind to soup is a game changer! I will definitely try this pasta e fagoli recipe. Iโ€™m excited about the fennel and orange zest combo. I make pesto and add it to a caprese sandwich when I need to feel the hope of spring. I definitely relate to cheering yourself up during winter with foods that remind you of spring and summer.

  3. Marijke Fox
    Marijke Fox says:

    That goatโ€™s cheese recipe looks really tasty and easy, I would change a few things though: Iโ€™d use puff pastry or filo pastry, put the giatโ€™s cheese, honey and walnuts, then stick in the oven and spread a little fig jelly on when it comes out. Changes the whole thing I know๐Ÿ˜‚. Tabouleh is normally very finely chopped, even finer than the cucumber and parsley the recipe you used calls for (not a criticism!) and thatโ€™s how it is served in Lebanese/Syrian restaurants here in the region, which happens to be the Middle East, well actually the Gulf to be precise (we have Lebanese restaurants on every corner of the street lol). Interestingly although Lebanon is credited with all these foods, the Syrians are the best cooks (donโ€™t tell anyone I said that). So yes, tiny vegetables in tabouleh. As for hummus, there is a variety which is hummus with meat. Itโ€™s a regular hummus recipe but topped with meat or liver in a pomegranate sauce and pine seeds (so delicious!). If you find a recipe try it!

  4. MJ Arsenault
    MJ Arsenault says:

    I love mediterranean food and their eating philosophy really clicks with how I want to eat and what kind of food I feel best when I eat. I have that cookbook on my shelf but I haven't made any recipes from it yet. After seeing you cook those yummy recipes, I went to grab it to meal plan for my week! Yumm! Thanks for another great video!

  5. Cool Calm and Mom
    Cool Calm and Mom says:

    Awesome recipes. Definitely need to make humans more at home. I love all Mediterranean food. Btw I love the lodge cast iron pot. I make rice in it and they turn out amazing because it steams itโ€™s so well with the lid โค๏ธ

  6. Carolyn Eastman
    Carolyn Eastman says:

    Your children will have well rounded palates from trying all the ethnic recipes you make…..even if they donโ€™t like everything now, there will come a day when they will appreciate your gift of international foods….

  7. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    knowing that Americaโ€™s Test Kitchen is very fussy, did you follow the recipes exactly or did you make your own changes? I always change their techniques because I think there are extra steps that make no sense to me. Iโ€™m an experienced cook and find their techniques too fussy and unnecessary.

    I've had a bench scraper for too many years. B4 anyone used one on TV. Been using it like Rachael Ray probably since 1995?? It's a great tool.

    Not a fan of fennel. I find a lot of ppl have been using it a lot in recipes. It's too licorice-y (is that a word?๐Ÿ˜€) For my taste buds.

    I also save parmesan rind. I use it in every pot of sauce. I use ditalini in soup. I think that's the classic ingredient. ATK likes to change things up.

  8. Johanna Hobbs
    Johanna Hobbs says:

    Thanks for another great video….i wish you were in charge of food network. I feel there would be more healthy people in the world. How to make 1000 cupcakes is not helpful. I was feeling stalled about what to make for this week and I am so making the kale salad and the soup. Thanks!!

  9. Jacque Mcarthur
    Jacque Mcarthur says:

    Its seemed sooooo long since your last video…but…I was sooooo happy โ˜บ when I saw notification of the new video…hey btw…are you sporting new ๐Ÿ‘“??? Anxiously awaiting your next video!๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

  10. Nancy Snyder
    Nancy Snyder says:

    Great video, although I do not eat some of these items, you have seriously started the thoughts to ramble in my head!!
    Bravo ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ Trust me this is sayin a lot……๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  11. Kristina Skaggs
    Kristina Skaggs says:

    Man! Is that food beautiful! Orange zest in the soup- I bet that's a bright flavor gamechanger! Winter (Michigan's UP) has definitely got its hold on my mood. Ugh๐Ÿ˜’ C'mon Spring – I'm ready for ya!Thanks for another well done video! You're the best!๐Ÿ–ค

  12. Eve M
    Eve M says:

    These recipe's are great ty for sharing them , they look delicious yummy…. How did u learn about Taboleh? How to make it ? Just wondering my friend makes it she's Lebanese . Jen u make such a great variety of meals , ur amazing it's great !!!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‚ty

  13. Sandra Weaver
    Sandra Weaver says:

    I read somewhere that the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest….that salad with the chopped cucumbers looked so delicious…will have to try that. I think your version of the last recipe seemed better to me that the original version.

  14. Lee Muir
    Lee Muir says:

    My husband is from Michigan and one thing you learn real quick when you marry a Michigander is how to make Mediterranean food, lol. They love it. We have shish taouk or shawarma at least once a week! I am making falafels tomorrow. Thank you for this video, loved it!

  15. Wendy Omalley
    Wendy Omalley says:

    Everything looks delicious! I am definitely going to try one of these recipes. We get bored with the food we eat sometimes and I am trying to incorporate new and healthy meals. I also like using new ingredients! I am going to make the pasta figioli, since it is freezing here in the Northeast!


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