5 Seed Starting Mistakes that Might Be Ruining Your Garden (And how to fix them!)

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Have you struggled to start seeds indoors successfully year after year? You may be making some of the same mistakes I was!

38 replies
  1. @PatriotNorthman
    @PatriotNorthman says:

    I'm happy to see you name my Missouri local seed company! I love Baker. Never had less than 90% germination, and I really enjoy their seed requisition program and the impact they have. Great video!

  2. @trollyforest2618
    @trollyforest2618 says:

    In their latest email campaign, Baker Creek seeds made it clear they are helping to fund the invasion by donating seed proceeds to other countries and NGO's that are communist or marxist in nature. Never ordering from them again. They are not an american company. Any purchases you make with them funds your own invasion.

  3. @differentkim
    @differentkim says:

    I subscribed before I watched the video because I appreciated how you started off. Brief intro, a little B-roll and, straight into it. Everything also looks great! Nice set-up. Looking forward to more. Well done.

  4. @TheTinkerersWife
    @TheTinkerersWife says:

    Great advice on this topic. I didn't even think about growing away from. Natural light. Your mention of larger isn't always better is so true with tomatoes. There was a study done to see if tomatoes produced better if planted in flower or before they budded up and it found if they were in flower they didn't produce as well. My guess is it was, as you mentioned, they were somehow stunted by being transplanted at that time.

  5. @leahsiemens1424
    @leahsiemens1424 says:

    Thank you so so much for all this info! I just got lights and heat mats for the first time this year and as soon as you stressed that they were GERMINATION mats, I went downstairs and unplugged them all! Thank you!

  6. @blueeyes3
    @blueeyes3 says:

    You know? I read when you cut the top off a carrot you can't really grow a new carrot/set. Well, my 5-year-old proved that wrong. If we don't buy from a known farmer, we buy Organic. We had taken a top, and I was gonna put it and just water and let it grow roots. But we planted it. That little boy got three fat little carrots off of it. If I could send a picture, I would show y'all.
    I know the video is not necessarily about this. But I thought I would share his accomplishment. He has organic basil growing in the window as well.

  7. @marniebryce8922
    @marniebryce8922 says:

    I planted packaged onion seeds as well as seeds I saved a few years ago. None of the packaged seeds germinated while my saved ones had fantastic germination. I'm a believer in seed saving. The grow lights are a game changer. 😊

  8. @vvolpe572
    @vvolpe572 says:

    I have the hardest time with my tomato, pepper and eggplant seeds- all my other seeds do fine (cucumbers, all squash, herbs, some floral seeds). I do use the steps and tips you gave (including getting sprouts restaurant trays for individual starter pots), research other factors for my area (5b, Northern Colorado), but my tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant just don't like any of the steps I take to make them strong good starts.
    I do not add any fertilizer to the seedlings (whether natural/ organic or chemical)- we never really had an issue with the starts not having any fertilizer. Maybe that's what I will need to change up this time around.

  9. @madmecyr
    @madmecyr says:

    Does it decrease their life span if where I keep them freezes in winter? I was thinking in nature they overwinter fine out in nature, but I'm not sure if I'm decreasing their value.

  10. @LisadeKramer
    @LisadeKramer says:

    I finally purchased a photo case for my seeds and I love it. I also grabbed some index cards and as I am seeding I make notes on the cards and put them in the box that the seeds are in. I like that way better than messing with a notebook.

  11. @LavenderDebs
    @LavenderDebs says:

    Loved this video! The music didn't even bug me.
    I have been watering my seedlings with the water I draw off of my fish tanks and don't know how I raised seedlings without it.
    Deb from the fertile but wet Pacific coast, now in Troy Montana… where I'm learning what I can grow in a bed of big rocks lol.

  12. @Greens5511
    @Greens5511 says:

    So u mention away from sunlight….so leaving the seeds out in a room with no windows but my grow lights on….is that okay short term during the spring seed starting months?

  13. @thepenjorway
    @thepenjorway says:

    Synchronicity! Reading a gardening magazine, making my plan for tomorrow's planting, picked up phone to take photo of something and saw your notification. You are amazing Caroline. Thankyou so much for generously sharing your wealth of knowledge ❤


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