5 FAST Weeknight Instant Pot Recipes (Cook MORE Eat out LESS series!)

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Have an Instant Pot and don’t use it? Need some new recipes? Don’t have an Instant Pot and wondering what all the hype is about? Should you invest? YES!

49 replies
  1. The Minimal Mom
    The Minimal Mom says:

    THANK YOU for watching!! Just a note, the reason these recipes are gluten free is because Tom has found that pasta (and chocolate) trigger headaches and migraines, so we try to avoid pasta, but still consume other forms of gluten 🙂 And we'd love it if you shared your favorite Instant Pot recipes, it is always nice to have new things to try!!! Thank you!! 🙂 Find the recipes & detailed instructions here: https://www.ithinkwecouldbefriends.com/2019/03/08/5-easy-whole-food-instant-pot-recipes/

  2. Candice Nance
    Candice Nance says:

    My favorite recipe is steel-cut oatmeal in the Instapot, especially cooked in large batches before a busy work week where I may have a hard time finding time to make a healthy breakfast. I use the "timer" (aka "delay" button on newer models) to set up my ingredients the night before and delay the start time. I use quick-cooking steel-cut oats with water and a pinch of salt and then flavor with toppings the next morning (could be blueberries, ground flaxseed, cinnamon, other fruit, etc). It helps me maintain good cholesterol and keep a stable blood sugar level throughout the morning. Here is a link to a recipe I used recently for the oats: https://confessionsofafitfoodie.com/instant-pot-steel-cut-oats/ Thanks for the great video!

  3. Katt
    Katt says:

    I made the ham and potato soup recipie last night with a friend. This is so good! we threw in carrots because we had them, the brocoli at the start, 2 containers stock to cover it all, and cream at the end. So effortless and amazing. it made a lot, too, so i have soup for the week. Ill definitely remake this one.

  4. Jude
    Jude says:

    Sorry to disagree with so many people, but your fast talking drives me nuts! I do like your recipes, so I will try some, but I will not listen to your videos, wish I could.

  5. Christopher Tame
    Christopher Tame says:

    This was very helpful and that you had the instructions well laid out in your connections was great. However I would strongly recommend that you go a little further and show the instructions for how long each one takes just a thought. Thank you

  6. Desire Love
    Desire Love says:

    Put 3 or 4 chicken breasts in you can saute them if you want, add taco seasoning and a big jar of salsa. Once its cooked use a hand mixer to shred the chicken in the IP and serve it over rice or on a tortilla. We are keto so we usually serve it on mexican style cauliflower rice. I make a great tortilla style soup using cauliflower rice in the IP, but I use rotisserie chicken it makes the meal even faster.

  7. Desire Love
    Desire Love says:

    My son was failure to grow and had to see a growth doctor. For many years he didn't gain any weight at all, he weighed 30lbs in 7th grade, so I will feed my kid whatever I could get him to eat.

    PATTY PERRY says:

    Hi,I’m new to instant pot,but not new to electric pressure cooking,my husband bought me a Bella 8quart 10in 1pressure cooker/slow cooker last year for my birthday,I was really upset because at that time ,instant pot was all the rave,still is,but of course I didn’t tell him that,but I do remember mentioning to him that I really really wanted an INSTANT POT lol guess he didn’t hear me but anyways,it worked out great,I ended up loving my Bella pressure cooker ,I used it almost every day ,my family loved my meals and thank you YouTube ,every time I needed a recipe,YouTube and google always came through for me,ok so now back to your recipes,my son actually heard me say what I wanted last year and when he was able to,he bought me a huge 8quart instant pot duo nova,yes I said INSTANT POT DUO NOVA,I never used any kind of instant pot before so to me duo nova didn’t mean anything until I starting using it,omg you have to get one,the valve you were saying was very intimidating,well on the duo nova,you turn the cover and it seals automatically,I absolutely and also what’s amazing is the button to release pressure is not even same one you seal,yup it’s amazing,all I have to do is push down on it and let it go,and if I need to stop the pressure from releasing,I just push it and it seals back up,omg I just love love love it,I made speghetti with sausages last night ,first time making pasta and I was so afraid because it was getting late and didn’t want to have to throw all the food out if I messed it up,but let me tell you,it was perfection,if you doen’t already have the I p duo nova,I suggest you get one,I know I will not ever cook any other way again ,oh and thank you for your receipes,I’m going to make the last one right now,I will get back to you on here and let you know how it came out,thanks

  9. Paulette H
    Paulette H says:

    I REALLY enjoy your You Tubes, and look for any I may have missed. Has anyone else mentioned how fast you talk? I'm always rewinding…..it doesn't deter me from listening ❤️👵🏼

  10. Kevin Hattersley
    Kevin Hattersley says:

    "5 FAST weeknight instant pot recipes" FAST!!!! I have never heard another human being talk so fast LOL Plus you have an infectious laugh and a lovely naturality to what you do. I'm looking into getting an "instant pot" here in the UK and your recipes make the prospect more appetising. Thanks.
    Can't avoid noticing: You call for yellow potatoes in the vid but then show clips of red potatoes being prepped, Take care, happy new year to you and your family. Kev, North Yorkshire, England

  11. Shannon Allen
    Shannon Allen says:

    For those who might want to know, the Ultra and Duo Crisp models have a button instead of a knob to release the pressure, and they also automatically seal when you put the lid on. Something handy to know if you don't want pressure while you're cooking. I haven't received mine yet so I don't know if it auto release is you choose a cooking mode that doesn't use pressure or if you have to press the button manually.

  12. Carlisa Sanders
    Carlisa Sanders says:

    Curious what coffeemaker you have and do you like it? I have seen it in so many of your videos and I know you only have items in your kitchen that you are willing to take up space so it must be great. It looks like it has a grinder also…

  13. Lisa F
    Lisa F says:

    Loved the video. I have an IP that I want to get more comfortable using and these are simple recipes to get me started. Love that you encourage people to go with whatever works best for them.

  14. Steph W
    Steph W says:

    This is a great nutrition/psychology video, too. I absolutely love the way you don’t necessarily sneak veggies in. You start off small and increase the amount in your recipes. Good video!

  15. Carrie M
    Carrie M says:

    I have watched your series on making food from a cook book you liked which showed how to make several meals from say chicken.
    Well I just saw this site that gives you more variety of meals that you can buy from Costco or whoever and freeze them for your crockpot. Since not everyone owns a Instant Pot….it gives you the recipes and the shopping list for free and even labels for you to put on your freezer bags
    Just thought you my like this because I love freezer meals whereas I put together enough for quite a few meals …handy when the holidays are here and we are busy or guests are coming and you want a quick meal for more time visiting…they also make great gifts for frazzled mommies or shut ins. Even if they do not have a IP or crockpot they can be warmed in the oven or pot……hope you enjoy it.
    Oh if you do not like frozen veggies do as I do and prep your own in large batches to use in recipes.

  16. Carrie M
    Carrie M says:

    Just Incase you didn’t know this. Rice should always be rinsed before you cook it and white rice isn’t the best one to eat
    When you get veggies and fruits home from the store place in a large bowl of water with white vinegar and soak for a minute or so then rinse in cold water and spread onto a large bath towel used for just this….it kills all kinds of bacteria even on organic items because you never know where they have been when being processed.
    I worked in a grocery store and crates and boxes sit on the floor of the trucks and the store…..bugs and dirt get on the items.
    Especially greens after rinsing I use my spinner to get most of the water out and lay them on the towel to dry……

    So many times they have recalls on veggies and by time that happens you’ve probably have consumed them….better safe then sorry.
    I worked in a restaurant and I always washed everything because I didn’t want anyone sick from not cleaning produce….

  17. david lopez
    david lopez says:

    why are so many of these crock pots breaking down? even the expensive ones. i want to purchase a slow cooker but alot of peaple complain in the reviews not sure how to decide

  18. Donna Thedead
    Donna Thedead says:

    I love that you're gluten and dairy free like our family. I probably would never cook if I didn't have to because of allergies. I don't like anything about cooking so doing it as fast and easy as possible is a huge plus for me. Also hard to get something all the kids will eat but, I will try all of these because I think they will work.

  19. Kate
    Kate says:

    I have slow cooker because cook's slow low heat and don't kill the nutritions. Fast cooker kill the good things from food because high temperature.


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