5-Day CHEAP HIGH FAT Carnivore Meal Plan | How to eat 1 stick of butter a day w/out nausea +diarrhea

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4 years of high fat carnivore living has taught me quite a few tips + tricks on how to make this lifestyle easy, budget-friendly, and …

22 replies
  1. Bit & Rudder
    Bit & Rudder says:

    Thank you, Bella! It is my first time watching you. I love the cold fat tip. I was already slicing blocks of cheese into smaller portions to make it quick and easy as well as affordable; I think I will do the same with butter now! It’s all about saving time in the kitchen, sometimes, right? SO nice to know that any “sacrifice“ that I make for convenience when it comes to flavor is more than made up for by eating the fat cold. (Pork belly… salted and cooked and sliced into bite-sizes, put in glass containers with the fat drippings poured over it, chilled: premade meal, boom. (BTW – GoSun sells the cutest eating utensil set that fits into a space no bigger than a few credit cards. I don’t mind eating fatty meat with my fingers at home, with sink and soap at hand, but greasy fingers on the go can be very inconvenient! Wiping off the utensils with a cloth or paper napkin, easy peasy!)

  2. FunkDaddyG
    FunkDaddyG says:

    I'm confused by your video.

    I've read and heard from others that the "80/20" ratio means that you want 80% of your calories From fat and 20% of your calories from protein. which generally equates to just slightly more than 2 grams of fat to every 1 gram of protein.

    the 80/20 ratio on ground beef is 80% protein by weight/volume And 20% fat by volume/weight so it's not an indicator of being high fat.

    that specific brand has, precooked, 22 grams of fat per serving to 19 grams of protein per serving. which is closer to 30% of calories from protein. per serving. then you lose fat from cooking, making the ratio even higher protein. adding butter and adjusting accordingly should definitely help,.

    but. 80/20 ground beef isn't the perfect ratio for high fat carnivore.

    or am I misunderstanding something?

  3. Wanda Fanning
    Wanda Fanning says:

    I my I have done 2 sticks of butter in 3 days… so full… o am experiencing arthritis in my Muscles and joints… I’ve been eating spices.. we today was bad… but I had nutmeg in my coffee… and I know now it was not a good choose… I really want chili spices in my Hamberg but I’m going to pass… I was able to do spices before my surgery and meds… but I am incredibly sore… and am going to eat as clean as possible… and hope I clean out quickly… steak and butter… ooo and chicken wigs for their Cartlidge to heal my broken bones… when I was a raw veggen.. I would do green juice to get read if the pain… I will try the carnivore way…

  4. NeatFreq
    NeatFreq says:

    1st, loved the spontaneous musical break, haha. 2nd, I've been enjoying your content as I've made the decision to go carnivore after reading the book, The Carnivore Code. It's so not what we're told from such a young age, I remember my sister eating a whole stick of butter as a kid and getting scolded for it. I myself also find it amusing as I've always had a taste for butter and what some would normally consider an "over-user" of butter. Come to find out I've been subconsciously prepping. Thank you for the content, as I'm finding it not only enjoying but very helpful.

  5. Jordan
    Jordan says:

    I am like 100 pounds overweight and I have tried carnivore a couple times. I get so upset because I can’t last more than a few days. I think I need to join the challenge to have accountability. It’s so hard for me to eat a lot of fat though, even cold fat grossed me out sometimes and I get nauseous. Any tips anyone?

  6. Karen Rogers
    Karen Rogers says:

    I cook my ground beef in foil ( made from a flat sheet) in the air fryer for about 11mins.and make buerre blanc as a sauce for steak when I'm feeling like gourmet food! I'm lazy and need quick!

  7. A P
    A P says:

    Thank goodness I found your video. I had to stop carnivore after 8 weeks because of chronic diarrhea I’ll try cold meat and refrigerated butter and see if I can get back to eating carnivore

  8. TomK.
    TomK. says:

    Listening to you talk about the many challenges you and others have with digesting fat reminds me to be grateful that I have none of those issues. Peace Be Upon You but yay me for not having those issues!

    I’ve got my own issues I have to deal with that you don’t. So you can be grateful too!

  9. TomK.
    TomK. says:

    I’m able to but a dozen cage-free pasture-raised eggs for just $3.50/dozen. On Saturday last I bought a half-dozen duck eggs for $3.00. So a dozen for just $6.00.

    The woman who raises them told me duck eggs have as much as 70% more fat than chicken eggs and their yolks are more nutrient dense! We’ll see how they taste this week.


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