5 Best/Worst Breakfasts for Diabetics – 2021 (Diabetic Diet)

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Some breakfast foods recommended to Diabetics with make blood sugar shoot sky high! This is not good, and will lead to a worsening of chronic inflammation …

34 replies
  1. Jim Brock
    Jim Brock says:

    I will eat pasta every now and then but the majority of my diet is red meat eggs and whole milk. I am not a big fan of sweets although I will have some chocolate now and then. I drink water and beer never soda. My LFT's are always WNL (within normal limits) since I started curing my own meats I have had very few problems with gout. I used to get it in damn near every joint in my body and it would be debilitating for most. I couldn't get a appointment with my regular Ortho Doc so I seen his partner. I walked in with a knee as big as a basketball. The first thing she asked me was if I was in the Military. I really never thought much of it at the time but later realized that normal people would not be able to bear that pain. Anyway she was a master with a needle and took 175 cc of liquid out of my knee and the uric acid level was out of this world! Moral of the story? Cure your own meats the old fashioned way. You won't get instant gratification but what you get is much better for you.

  2. johnmick82
    johnmick82 says:

    Brilliant video. I’ve really struggled this last year getting my blood sugar down and I’m now on 5 injections a day. I have been using the free style libre sensor that’s been a game changer along with these videos. I was eating porrage for breakfast having bananas and getting crazy blood sugar levels. Never mind a McDonald’s McMuffin that put my sugar level through the roof. Now I’ve been having eggs in the morning (omelettes, or eggs in a cup with some butter) sometimes with bacon and my blood levels have came down massively. I’m trying to stay away from carbs as I see big spikes but I know you need to juggle with this a bit. But thanks for this video. Oats and bananas are not healthy for me and I thought they were a good choice. Great videos 👍

  3. Duckula
    Duckula says:

    All this time as a diabetic I've been feeling guilty at eating eggs and bacon for breakfast and steak for lunch 😋. That explains why my blood sugar level has been unexpectedly so good.

  4. BlessedByTheBest
    BlessedByTheBest says:

    I had an A1C of 15.9 in 2018. I went whole food plant based which consisted of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, no refined or processed foods or meat. So all the beans, rice, oats etc…My A1C went down to normal range, non-diabetic. I’m still following this LIFESTYLE and it is great!! Plant based diet works!! I’m a witness!

  5. 70s Girl
    70s Girl says:

    I have a friend who has type II diabetes and she takes metformin and eats whatever she damn well feels like it! She drinks regular Coca Cola, eats a lot of processed foods and never took the diabetes class offered to her for free! She has stage 2 emphysema and smokes 2 packs daily!! I gave up trying to help her.


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