4 Days of What I Eat in a Day/ Carb Cycling

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This is a what I eat in a day video of 4 days- 2 low carb days and 2 regular carb days. After intermittent fasting for 7 months, …

25 replies
  1. annmarie boaten
    annmarie boaten says:

    Thank you Sandy for showing simple sustainable meals. I am in my fifties and would like to do more low carb meals. Yours looks tasty and nutritious. So, please keep sharing what you eat in a day videos. The low carb meals are so helpful. You really look radiant.

  2. D D
    D D says:

    Thank you for your videos gives me many ideas as I have tried so many times since menopause to lose weight no luck .I honestly looking at the foods you eat ,I feel I don’t eat enough especially proteins and veggies.

  3. Monique Stevens
    Monique Stevens says:

    Hi! Thankyou for all the info you post! What I want to know is you said sometimes you eat only 2 meals and a snack…do you eat the same amount of food you would eat on a regular 3 meal a day ? Sometimes at work it,s impossible to work the 3 meals a day…..

  4. Nicole Fitness
    Nicole Fitness says:

    Your meals look great! I’ve been IF since 1/15/23 and feel great but haven’t lost much weight. I do anywhere from 18:6 to 20:4. I’m in it for the long haul because I feel SO GOOD! Thank you for all your menu ideas!

  5. Tammy Cason
    Tammy Cason says:

    Thanks Sandy for information and eating ideas. I have been IMF since the first of February, I’m a full time waitress, so I do exercise. 😅 I’ve lost around 18 pounds, and just this week I was able to wear a pair of jeans that I couldn’t button comfortably last week. Having thyroid issues IMF has been great for me. Thank you Sandy!!

  6. Gloria Saliba
    Gloria Saliba says:

    Love that colour on you Sandy x great video. I’d love to see a video on how you cook your meat in the instant pot and other meals you prepare using the pot I’ve purchased one though yet to use it – delicious meals you’ve shared with us in this video x Happy Easter to you and your family xx

  7. Mandy Maney
    Mandy Maney says:

    Thank you Sandy, great to see what others are doing with restricted eating. I personally mix it up with the length of time I fast for also. Seems to keep my body guessing. 😊


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