33 Weird but Genius Dollar Tree Finds you SHOULD be Buying (Dollar Tree Hacks + Beat Amazon)

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Here are 10+ things you should be buying from Dollar Tree right now! They are weird but genius. You are going to beat Amazon …

32 replies
  1. Rosalee Mellott
    Rosalee Mellott says:

    I'm a Dollar Tree regular. Here are a few of my suggestions. For you 31 point, I really like the frozen spring rolls. I cook them in the air fryer.
    Instead of the spatula, the scraper works better for the bed, and the garlic.

  2. Papa Robert
    Papa Robert says:

    I just bought the pink shower speaker. For $5 it’s amazing! I was wanting a water proof speaker for my hot tub and it works amazing! I live in Iowa and don’t want to use my phone outside when I’m hot tubbing in the snow! This speaker so far is awesome. The only issue I had was the charger cable did not fit. I just used another one I already had. Love your channel and you were cute as a bug in this video!

  3. Mel R
    Mel R says:

    With the gel beads what I would do is pour water back into the container with some more essential oil. The beads will plump back up, soaking up the water and the essential oil, recycle it over and over and over again. Sometimes, I would buy the little gel beads in packets, get a container all from the Dollar Tree store, put in some essential oil with water, and make my own. Setting them around the house.

  4. Mel R
    Mel R says:

    With the gel containers what I would do is when the beads start to get really small, you can add water to them, and a little essential oil. It refreshes all over again, and you can actually reuse it.

  5. Keith Bates
    Keith Bates says:

    Never heard of Celeste pizza. I am from NY, so we are the capital of excellent pizza. NY says it's their water that makes their pizza so good. Miss NY pizza!!! Joan ❤❤❤

  6. Mari Flores
    Mari Flores says:

    Hey, just found you and now I Love you!! You're an amazing organizer, cute and funny. Between you and
    Kathy Ondoitonadime I'm getting so many ideas and having so much fun at the same time. I'm one of those who has had such a hard time just starting to get organized and I've been dragging my feet for a LONG time but with you and Kathy I feel SO ENCOURAGED!!! I can spend hours watching you guys until midnight or later!!

  7. Mariposa
    Mariposa says:

    I’m still stuck on the cute hairdos on your daughters. 😍 🎀👧🏼👧🏼🎀 Too cute!
    You are hilarious and my kind of girl. 👍🤗😁 I’m that weirdo who’s always in the cleaning or smell good aisles at the store! Even when I travel! I went I to the grocery store in Italy back in November to find something that smelled nice for our Airbnb. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Airbnb didn’t stink. I just thought why not since we’d be there two weeks. 😆🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


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