30 minute ONE PAN KETO Dinner Recipe: Stuffed Pepper Skillet!

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Easy unstuffed peppers! This tasty one pan keto dinner recipe is easy to make and full of classic stuffed pepper flavor.

23 replies
  1. Roya Devenport
    Roya Devenport says:

    Another great recipe. I purchased your Breakfast, Baking and Dinner cookbooks. Your cookbooks are the only Keto cookbooks I will continue to use because I have either made or marked to make almost every recipe in the books. And then you publish a new YouTube recipe and I print it to add to my collection. And of course, tomorrow night I will be making this One Pan Wonder! Thank you. PS I also gifted a set of your cookbooks to my daughter, who now knows Keto is a delicious way of eating.

  2. Joseph B
    Joseph B says:

    Carolyn! I love skillet food. Lots of flavor and you just plop it in a bowl. What's easier than that? 😃 It leaves me more time
    to make The Death Cake. Oh yeah! ☢😲…………………………. 😎👍👍


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