3 Things KILLING your Carnivore Results | Dr Anthony Chaffee

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Join 5MB 30-Day Carnivore Challenge https://www.5minutebody.com/ Dr Anthony Chaffee is a strict carnivore, who insists that all …

39 replies
  1. KetoMan
    KetoMan says:

    @Dr Anthony Chaffey, you misunderstood the MOST important question on high fat carnivore vs low fat carnivore. Please have another think about it, and clarify, we value your advice. The question is about people that are NOT on medication. People that want to control their HBA1C with only diet, and they are type 2 or type 1.5, but they struggle to reach the 5.4 HBA1C recommended average/limit. My last one was 6.2 which is a little over. The best I got was 5.8 which was during a period I did a lot of prolonged fasts. I am a recovering type 2 or even a recovering type 1.5, so I produce insulin but generally not as much as those with a normal pancreas. The heart of this question is that would someone like me be better off on a high fat carnivore, that is someone that is slightly above the HBA1C and uses diet only to try and reach a normal HBA1C, and therefor has a weaker than normal pancreas/beta cell population health problem. You cannot draw on your personal experience on this occasion because you are young and fit with a strong pancreas. Some people are older and/or have a more sedentary lifestyle for whatever reason. I am positive that if I eat less protein and up the fat with butter and high fat meats that my HBA1C will go down if not reach normal. If I eat mostly lean protein my HBA1C goes up. So this question is not really about ketones vs slight elevated sugar when you eat more protein but still have a perfect HBA1C. What if you were eating high protein carnivore and were struggling to reach a normal HBA1C? I can see 2 possible answers here. One answer is to up your fat intake (a stick of butter per day and/or really high fat meat). The other answer is to stay high protein and wait a year or two to see if your pancreas will heal itself and achieve a normal HBA1c. Like you said, 40% of people are prediabetic, most of them have a sick pancreas. How do we best heal the pancreas on carnivore? Do we stick to high protein and wait for the pancreas to heal or do we go high fat carnivore? Please do not dismiss the sugar spikes when on high protein as ok because your body knows best, this is only true if your HBA1C is normal and your pancreas is healthy.

  2. Ann Watkins
    Ann Watkins says:

    What about registering ketones to prevent dementia, etc., for older individuals? And isn’t it still true, that gluconeogenesis from all the protein does prevent ketosis?

  3. Luis Felix
    Luis Felix says:

    This sounds hard-core, restrictive, time consuming??

    Guess I'm the odball out? I was raised on a ranch, lots of meat, liver, and fat, coffee all day long with heavy cream from the cows or goats, few veggies.
    Bone soup in winter.
    Sweets were rare…40 miles from Durango. Grandma drank hooch till she was 104, smoked stogies…most of my family lives to around or over a hundred still "kicking and screaming "…So… I like my family's eating style,,,I'm doomed to live long without paying particular attention to what I ingest.

    Never ate a cows nose or tail as some claim on internet. The dogs chewed on them for days.

  4. Goolash
    Goolash says:

    Alcohol: the toxic by-product of rotting vegetation. It is literal POISON. It was funny how Anthony says “I just didn’t feel as good for a couple of weeks after drinking, even though I didn’t get drunk.” How would you feel for weeks after drinking a glass of turpentine? Same thing. It’s poison.

  5. Gerard Kuzawa
    Gerard Kuzawa says:

    Just like with a female for sexual reasons, I do enjoy flings with alcohol and coffee with cream and certain foods outside of animal meat. I do agree that if doing the fling, do not do all the others… one at a time, and do not allow it to become an addiction. Let the relationship be a one off; have fun in the consumption at the time… then move on.

  6. Judith Yoast
    Judith Yoast says:

    Life is too short, enjoy coffee, dairy etc. just be informed. Think about the rest of your life eating just meat, salt and water, can you do it? Be good to yourself. Carnivore is the way just be sure you want to go that way. Just saying 🤷‍♀️

  7. Zbawienie jest Wieczne
    Zbawienie jest Wieczne says:

    Even lactose free diary makes me bloated. I quit eating gouda chees which I loved just to find out how much better I feel withought it. Finally I am free of constipation.
    I also found out that my alcohol tollerance is none while being carnivore.

  8. Janne Blom
    Janne Blom says:

    Weaning off caffeine is the only way to go. Get a bag of both decaf and regular and start adjusting the ratio's. Can be done without headaches in a week or two, maybe more if you're a heavy user.

  9. Kellie Hobson
    Kellie Hobson says:

    I’ve been keto since 2016 after gaining 16kg in 3 months, which turned out to be CIRS. Went carnivore 2018. Have not lost any weight. Cured CIRS & healed my thyroid, now off thyroid meds. Feel great,anxiety gone but still 14kg overweight. Carnivore isn’t always the amazing weight loss it’s claimed to be. My only crutch is the coffee – 1 a day with heavy cream. It’s very hard to give it up.

  10. Al Romero
    Al Romero says:

    I’m currently on carnivore for the past 3 months and on a weight loss plateau. I was told to wait it out and then the weight loss will continue. Is that accurate?

  11. Paul Wiffen
    Paul Wiffen says:

    Regarding alcohol, I always thought consumption of alcohol paused ketosis, and once the liver had delt with it, ketosis resumed. So it wasn't like having a huge carb binge day and taking several days to get back into ketosis. Am I wrong?

  12. NIKAH=Chodnaa
    NIKAH=Chodnaa says:

    I have been on Carnivore diet for 4 Weeks now, because I am always Tired, very fatigue and Heavy Brain Fog all the time… I also have NA Fatty Liver and Leaky Gut… So far, I donot see any improvements… Too much Meat cause Constipation because I can Not digest any Food…. Any Advise… Please. Thanks !!!

  13. Magic F
    Magic F says:

    I am lucky. I can handle dairy very well! The full fat versions of all dairy! (raw)milk, (raw)kefir, cheese, yoghurt, crème freche. Love it. And ofcourse meat!

  14. Dave Peterschmidt
    Dave Peterschmidt says:

    What I found interesting on carnivore was how easy it was to identify problem foods. After I had been doing carnivore for a while, I added some protein smoothies. I would add some vanilla for flavoring. I quickly started feeling somewhat achy in my joints. Doing some experimentation, I quickly identified the vanilla as the cause. I've been eating vanilla for years but never suspected it was causing trouble.
    A very similar story for the supplement ashwegonda. I used to use that to help my sleep. But on carnivore I was able to notice some significant depression type symptoms whenever I took it. Symptoms were gone on days when I didn't take it. So, both vanilla and ashwegonda have been eliminated and I'm feeling great.

  15. coydogvt
    coydogvt says:

    Does having some live sauerkraut and a bit of cucumber derail the carnivore benefits? When I listen to the purists, this idea seems quite grim. Ground beef is a rough feed without a little help.

  16. yougotservedyo
    yougotservedyo says:

    social pressure? zero… i eat steak in a public setting. or if I choose to have a burger with a bun that's a cheat I'll have from time to time. still losing weight so what I'm doing is working

  17. Vincent Zarcone
    Vincent Zarcone says:

    I’ve been carnivore about 18 months and I didn’t get the benefits people rave about. Still dealing with tons of aches and pains and I’m only 39. I didn’t get those quick recovery results post injury. No coffee. No fruit. No honey either.


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