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45 replies
  1. Rhyaan Gwin
    Rhyaan Gwin says:

    i learned to make bread by watching 'the kneady homesteader videos.. she is such a great teacher & has some great recipes including sour dough.. its a learning curve for sure .. and I learned to add enough flour that it pulls away from the bowl when mixing & to beat for 5 minutes.. I think you doing great, keep practicing & you will gain your confidence. Love all your videos!

  2. Deb Krueger
    Deb Krueger says:

    Iโ€™m not an expert yeast user but didnt the recipe say to put the yeast in some warm water and let sit for a few minutes before u put it in the dough mixture. I might be wrong but thatโ€™s what Iโ€™ve seen u do w yeast before I thought. Anyway great job anyway. Sounds like it worked out. Looked good.

  3. Maisha Kabir
    Maisha Kabir says:

    I used to make pizza dough all the time as a kid and it always worked, even the first time I tried it. Then a few years went by and I've become an adult. Now I can't make pizza dough to save my life. It's borderline witchcraft when you do it right. That soup looks amazing but unfortunately here in Australia we can't buy queso. Will need to figure out how to make it myself.

  4. Sue Baiardi-Lyons
    Sue Baiardi-Lyons says:

    Gracie Lou is adorable and girl you remind me of when I tried to make pie crust. I did once. Not good โ€ผ๏ธLots of choice words came out of my mouth and needless to say thank the lord for Pillsbury๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปโ€ผ๏ธ Totally can relate and I will be trying pizza dough this looks amazing โ€ผ๏ธAnd that soup we are a soup family canโ€™t wait to make this. Love your channel look forward to it every week โ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜

  5. Raynae Jones
    Raynae Jones says:

    Hi Mandy! Love your channel! Found you by mistake just browsing, but so glad I did. I did have a question for you. I noticed you use quite a few "store brand verses name brands " food items, Do you find those just as tasty? Does the spices help? I've been reluctant to buy store brands, please let me know, thanks!

  6. Tracy Marr
    Tracy Marr says:

    All the seasoning you added to the oil for the edge, I put directly in my dough while mixing (minus the extra oil you poured) makes for a great flavorful crust.

  7. Glenda Wilkins
    Glenda Wilkins says:

    I agree with Mamabear…..Once you put it in the mixer bowl…It should do all the work…!!!! You have to remember…your not making bread…Its totally different then pizza dough…..If you go to Whipperwill Holler…. here on you tube,,,,She has the Easiest & best Pizza dough I have ever made & I have been baking for over 50 yrs…Check it out !!!!~

  8. Jo myers
    Jo myers says:

    For quick nights I have a 10 minute meal for you. You will need what ever pre made bbq you like, your favorite pork and beans, nacho chips, shredded lettuce, tomatoes chopped, shredded cheese, bbq sauce and sour cream. Pop your bbq in the microwave and cook as directed, put your beans on the stove and heat through, chop your tomato, and shred your lettuce( or buy pre shredded). Once everything is hot place your nachos on the plate, top with the bbq, top with the pork and beans followed by the lettuce, then tomatoes, then cheese, then the bbq sauce and sour cream and enjoy. This actually is Famous Daveโ€™s Nachos Appetizer but I fix it on individual plates and dinners done.

  9. PatTalks
    PatTalks says:

    Just some tips from a pizza maker and a baker. When you add water to yeast, make sure it's warm. Test the water with your pinky. You want it almost hot enough that you don't want to put your finger in it, but yet you still can.
    Your dough will rise then.
    Also remember adding flour to bread products, there is no golden amount. It's all going to depend on heat, humidity, elevation of the area in which you live. So just keep adding flour until it pulls away from the bowl, even if it winds up being a few cups more it's okay.
    The mixing tool… it's a dough hook..*wink*
    Keep it up you're doing great!

  10. Mindy Pedersen
    Mindy Pedersen says:

    Once you get the right flour ratio and have it kneaded enough the gluten structure is what will allow it to rise properly. You'll get it, Mandy! There's some great advice here. We have all the faith in you! <3

    Also… shredding your own cheese would make this a MILLION times better. All of the anti-caking agents in the pre-shredded cheese keeps it from being great on a pizza.

  11. Donna Randall
    Donna Randall says:

    This is my go to bread recipe (I also use it for pizza dough): 1 1/4 cup warm water; 1 package dry yeast; 2 tablespoons soft shortening; 2 Tablespoons sugar; 1 teaspoon salt; 3 cups flour. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add sugar, shortening salt and half the flour. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed on mixer. Add remaining flour, mixing with a spoon. Cover and let rise about 30 minutes. Beat batter about 25 strokes. Spread in greased loaf pan for bread or on 12" pizza pan or a sheet pan for pizza. For bread let rise until abut 1/2 inch from top of pan. Bake bread at 375 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes. Makes one loaf. For pizza: once dough has raised spread in whatever pan you are using for pizza; add sauce and toppings bake at 400 degrees about 18 to 20 minutes. ENJOY.

  12. G K Recipe
    G K Recipe says:

    I must say its mouthwatering watering recipes, awesome recipe thanks for sharing, a highly recommended channel, keep in touch and stay connected ๐Ÿค— cheers ๐Ÿ€It's new sub ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™

  13. Kristy B
    Kristy B says:

    Mandy, that pizza dough would be me and Iโ€™m Italian ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. I buy pre made dough for a reason and my granny is probably shaking her head from the other side, laughing at me

  14. Kristine Matthews
    Kristine Matthews says:

    Gracie says sorry mom about the moss And more cod pretty please. ๐Ÿ˜ป I am with you pizza dough is hard to master. I swear I used twice the amount of flour a recipe calls for. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ But I keep trying. Because this girl loves her pizza ๐Ÿ•. Thank you for sharing ๐Ÿ˜Š see you next time

  15. Kelly Stoner
    Kelly Stoner says:

    Great video. Watching you with that dough ๐Ÿ˜‚. It really does become a feeling after youโ€™ve made it a few times. I actually do it in a food processor. Itโ€™s super fast! Thanks โค๏ธ

  16. Melissa Hill
    Melissa Hill says:

    Your water probably wasn't warm enough to activate the yeast for your pizza dough to rise. Use a kitchen thermometer to test the water temperature before you add it.

  17. LA T
    LA T says:

    Preheat oven with stone in place.
    Put parchment paper on a cookie sheetโ€ฆplace prepared dough on oiled parchment, spread or roll out.
    Slide parchment off of the cookie sheet onto the stone.
    When done, Use cookie sheet as a big spatula to remove pizza and parchment from oven.
    Been doing this for 30 years ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Works great!

  18. Karen Scannell
    Karen Scannell says:

    Iโ€™m glad your pizza dough came out well. You are a brave soul! I never can get a dough right , but if you can do it . Iโ€™m sure I can too. The cod looks good too! As well the soup . They all look delicious and will try them all ! I did make the seafood boil. We loved it and it will be a favorite with my family !

  19. Debbie Lenoir
    Debbie Lenoir says:

    Have mercy! I just bought a pizza stone and intend on making pizza this week. We even have a Komodo Joe smoker that we would like to make pizza in. I intend on letting my Kitchenaid mixer do all of the work! I am using the recipe from AllRecipes (Nicole McLaughlin). I am definitely copying your idea of brushing the crust with herb infused oil! So glad it turned out good!


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