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40 replies
  1. honky canuk
    honky canuk says:

    Cool science experiment:
    1. leave the wheat starch in the water to sit and settle at the bottom
    2. drain the water after an hour leaving the starch in the bottom of the bowl
    3. add tonic water and knead until forms into like a putty like dough ball
    4. turn the lights off and shine a UV light on the putty
    5. if no UV light, expose to direct sunlight against black background.
    It will glow in the dark because the UV light activates the quinine.
    Just straight tonic water works too, i just though it'd be nice to have a thing to fidget with and cool to look at at the same time. Multitasking distractions is probably going to be the new norm in the foreseeable future! 😀

  2. Gomez Addams
    Gomez Addams says:

    So you can eat gluten I cannot I'm allergic to proteins in general animal proteins more but gluten is seriously hard on my body. Saying that a lot of the meat analogs have changed from gluten to pea protein it's not just World peas like people think. It's isolated pea protein basically a glutton of peas but not necessarily gluten. I sound so scientific. What the question was have you ever played with isolated pea protein and tried to make anything with it? I want somebody who can afford it to do it before I take a 9 ounce bag that cost $20 that was meant to be used as a spoonful in a smoothie I guess? Now don't get me wrong I'm still allergic to it and my stomach bloats as if I'm about to have a baby but it's not the same kind of pain for a month that gluten would do to me. It's hard being allergic to protein because it's in everything. This is why I laugh 55 years vegan my whole life when people talk about where do you get your protein well when it makes you hurt you recognize what has the most protein and what doesn't and it's everywhere. So if you've ever used isolated pea protein to make meat analogs I'd love to know I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to start and it's just not something that you can play with and throw away on my budget. At one time I was well-off enough that I would have and tried to invent something to sell.. I would like to do it at 55 and make some money again but what the heck. I really could have kept the short and just said have you ever used isolated pea protein and if not could you try because it is a gluten alternative. And as much as you love doing gluten things a lot of people really can't handle it and it is hard to digest. Even if you're not allergic. Thank you! I'm really excited if you try. Thanks for all the fun with food. Seeing the orange pulp video I had endless supply of that and never dreamed other than I could have squeezed it out and drink the orange juice although I'm really allergic to oranges. Though not so much when they're Raw? maybe cooked orange juice has more peel in it. anyway I could have had endless amounts and I'm regretting it now

  3. S W
    S W says:

    I’m seriously trying to work with someone that is diabetic and also wants to be vegetarian or vegan. It’s so hard to balance carbohydrates in foods so that his blood glucose doesn’t fluctuate so much. There’s no real good guide that I’ve found for diabetic people and being vegan or vegetarian.

  4. Name Last
    Name Last says:

    Flour and canned tomatoes are the ultimate crisis food! You can make full meals including seitan, sauces, pasta noodles, pastries, and bread for like $3.00.

  5. Soul Younes
    Soul Younes says:

    Fabulous! Always wondered if I could make seitan myself out of flour by washing it(can't find vital gluten anywhere around me), you just answered it. Thank you. The vital gluten in it's powder form is usually mixed with other sources of protein like chickpeas or soy. They say it makes better. Do you agree? And can I do so with the wet gluten you created?

  6. honky canuk
    honky canuk says:

    You can also save the wheat starch to make noodles. Very popular in Chinese Buddhist cooking, nothing goes to waste. After making the mock meat from the gluten, the starch is saved to make Liangpi (冷皮) or cold skin noodles. It's mixed with rice flour to make it whiter and softer but just straight wheat starch makes clear, chewier noodles.


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