3 Ingredient Orange Chicken Sauce Pantry Clean Out Recipe From Food Storage

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… RECOMMENDED RESOURCES Butane Stove https://amzn.to/2ZUoZdL Crock Pot http://amzn.to/2oVOHtP Instant Pot https://amzn.to/2NmX3GZ T fal …

20 replies
  1. Tennessee Hillbillie
    Tennessee Hillbillie says:

    Hey A G, I remember a sauce similar to this, but it was for steak or roast beef. It had the same amounts for the BBQ sauce and orange marmalade.,but instead of soy sauce it used 2 Tbsp of Worcestershire sauce and 1 Tbsp of pepper jelly.

  2. JD Hood
    JD Hood says:

    I'd be sorely tempted to throw all the rice and chicken into the sauce and stir it up into one big mess. My personal, cardinal rule of cooking: "Looks" don't make it taste good.

  3. Lucy Holmes
    Lucy Holmes says:

    That sauce looks so good 🤩 It’s definitely time for pantry rotations! You can add cooked or tinned chickpeas into a sauce like this one (if, like me, you are rotating your chickpea stash lol) and they are absolutely delish with rice and veg.

  4. Ken Atkins
    Ken Atkins says:

    Oh my gosh this sounds Great.
    And one of the really neat things about it is I can make it for me or I can make it for the family I can make it when I want. And I don't have to go to a Chinese restaurant or spend a ton of money
    Thank You Very Much


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