$25 Budget Thanksgiving | Couples and Small Families

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Hey friends! I know I JUST did a Dollar Tree Thanksgiving video, but I wanted to also do a budget Thanksgiving video using the …

35 replies
  1. Maat X
    Maat X says:

    I love how you shop and include a variety of different foods that actually are fresh and healthy. When on a budget, it’s important to eat as fresh as you can find. I will be showing this to the folks at my job since I work with low income families and I’m also a college student who could use these tips as well!

  2. A Work In Progress
    A Work In Progress says:

    At one of the stores near me you can buy loose celery really cheap, it is where I go when I am making something that needs celery, because I just use it in soups and stews and stuff and usually just need a couple sticks. Just eliminates throwing away the left overs.

  3. Whitney Tucker
    Whitney Tucker says:

    I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your videos. You are the most down to earth, humble and quite the talented Chef 👩‍🍳 in the Kitchen Girl.
    Another Fabulous video! 🥰💞
    Enjoy your Holiday!

  4. Sharon Dowling
    Sharon Dowling says:

    You can cook and mash potatoes well in advance, cover and put in fridge the night before. Clean up those dishes! Done! Prep your side dishes 1to2 days before. Dishes…done! I make my homemade cranberry sauce with oranges 1 week before. Lots less dishes and pots and pans on Turkey Day!

  5. balamb25
    balamb25 says:

    1) Thank you so much for making this realistic. I hate HATE when videos are like "This is a $25 dollar meal" And then proceed to spend $80 and tell you that you are only using 0.50 of this ingredient or $1.00 worth of that. It's not realistic. You are right. Poverty is expensive and sometimes it's so tough to build a stockpile and pantry on a tight budget

    2) have you tried the chewy butter brownie recipe on the side of the flour bag? lol, I paused the video to jot it down. Sounds good!

  6. Joyce Miller- Bean
    Joyce Miller- Bean says:

    Good for you! Stay low-stress. Decades of cooking for my family has taught me that allowing myself to enjoy cooking( as you obviously do), makes cooking a pleasant task and not a chore. Love your videos, by the way. They are delightfully restful to watch as well as being really informative.

  7. Beth Powell
    Beth Powell says:

    A cost cutter for delicious mashed potatoes is to use water from potatoes if you cook them in boiling water. I don’t have a pressure pan so I keep about half the water and use that. Still makes a creamy tasting product.
    Another thing that I like to do is deglaze roasting pan with chicken broth and make gravy in that pan. (One less pan to was.)

  8. Jeanette Nizza
    Jeanette Nizza says:

    Lovely job, Lisa Dawn! I bought a 7lb. oven stuffer roaster manager special, for 6.99 for our Thanksgiving celebration. I'm planning a sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, oatmeal and sourcream biscuits, and an apple cobbler for dessert. Happy Thanksgiving, to you and yours.

  9. Tyna Edwards
    Tyna Edwards says:

    I'm not cooking this year. From time to time we eat out for Thanksgiving, and this is the year. But when I do cook it's for many people and I take two days to prep and cook. I pick and choose what short cuts to take to make it easier and you always have such good ones and great tips. I shop weeks ahead because I hate crowds when shopping and I don't generally shop in multiple stores because of gas prices distance so I do miss some good sales. I love your videos. You are so down to earth and real. I keep going back to your older videos because I enjoy them so much. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. lynda jones
    lynda jones says:

    girl with the way the world is today.. the costs of food.. people are not even wanting to do thanksgiving.. and thats a shame… i never thought of shopping at aldi.. im gonna go check them out.. and i think i can speak for many on here.. we dont care what you cook.. your saving us money.. giving us tips.. and hints.. in my eyes.. your awesome … and can relate to all of us struggling!

  11. Evelyn Gray
    Evelyn Gray says:

    My stove is similar to yours and I've never run the clean feature and my paint is peeling over the vent. My burners are crusty and I have soaked them with the glass top cleaner and tried scraping them. All the scraping did was chip the glass. When this stove goes out, I'm getting a normal stove. Either a gas or one, or an electric with the coil burners. I've never had so much trouble keeping either of those clean.


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