#241 Fab 4 Finally back together! Will you still love us if we are NOT KETO anymore?

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33 replies
  1. Gab’s Sessions
    Gab’s Sessions says:

    Yes. The demonization and fear mongering that I see and hear in the carnivore space that if they even TOUCH a taste of carbs or ANYTHING remotely sweet they will go into full blown food addiction binge realm. But there’s a fine line between what FEAR of weight gain is, and fear of FOOD. Like i see an anorexic woman in the carnivore space saying she is a food addict but her history is anorexia. So I think there’s a big mental thing going on in carnivore space that has people thinking they are food addicts but it’s really FOOD AND WEIGHT GAIN FEAR . Also… food addiction is linked to EMOTIONS. And a lot of people in the carnivore space don’t even talk about emotions and THERAPY. They just think by never eating a carb again they are cured

  2. TammyW
    TammyW says:

    100% agree with Lindsay. I think some folks came to your channels for those specific eating/lifestyles and now that your channels have evolved they need to decide if they want to continue as subscribers or not. This does not mean they are fanatics and don’t believe there can be other approaches – it might just mean that’s not what they need at the moment.

  3. Lynn Snelling
    Lynn Snelling says:

    Hmmmmm, a few thoughts:
    Variety is the Spice of Life
    Take what you need and leave the rest!
    Well said on all fronts Ladies! You all are amazing women and I love that you do the best for you and your families, yet choose to share the ups & downs with the world!
    Even if I feel a subject doesn't relate to me I still listen and learn! I came to your channels because of severe health problems.
    I was and am, trying my best to take care of my husband & myself as we enter a new phase of our lives. We have battled Cancer, fatty liver, gastro issues & now have yet another cancer scare.(the ultrasound is next week so we will hopefully know for sure)
    This isn't a magic bullet but parts of low card/keto has helped tremendously with this journey.
    Big hugs to all of you!!!!!!

  4. Carisa's Corner
    Carisa's Corner says:

    Alao… I think cancer… is more about removing as many toxins from your life as possible AND occasionally fasting enough to get into autophagy…. I am wondering if this heavy protein thing isn't helpful tooo… like… I want to get into autophagy aaaaand I want my body to remove damaged cells riiight? Sooo… protein.. are what the cells are ….

  5. Carisa's Corner
    Carisa's Corner says:

    I am LCHF/Weston A Price now and doing 16/8 … I have chocolate cake or ice cream like once a week lol .. i always come back to a low inflammatory, high fat… ancestral approach… I got a new motto:

    We did like gaps/carnivore a month.. to get good gut healing and are now low carb.. higher fat.. like 50ish carbs with dinner.. weston a price style… I love exploring! I did the gut healing as long as possible until my body was like "I need potatoes and carrots!!!" 😆
    I feel like… I gotta listen to my body but also gave self control

  6. Angela Sholar
    Angela Sholar says:

    I so needed to hear this. I’ve been on a struggle with where I fit in on my diet. I’m usually keto and I fell off and I’ve now trying E2M as I had friends that talked me into trying it. It’s low carb but still a struggle of that’s not keto lol.. trying hard to give it my all

  7. Ilga M. Clary
    Ilga M. Clary says:

    My dear friends, I personally, love to watch your content because you share your way of life and what goes on, I love the recipes, but that is not my main interest, please do not change !!, I learn so much from all of you, thank you for every moment you are willing to share,👍💖💖💖💖

  8. Synergyb3
    Synergyb3 says:

    Yes! ❤ It is about the ever-changing needs of our bodies and working to find the best foods for a season. Labels make me squirm & I don’t think I ever fit neatly in those boxes so not being keto is fine with me. Just keep chasing after optimal health wherever that leads.

  9. Gloria Gross
    Gloria Gross says:

    Oh my goodness, Nili, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has a thought and then it goes away! I have learned so much from each one of you. Thanks for sharing your journeys–it is helpful. I pick and choose those things that add to my life, but it's all interesting. You are my friends and I would listen just because of that.

  10. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    I wanna see the dehydrated hard boiled eggs! I love when all of you get together to talk. I think it doesn't matter if it isn't a specific topic on keto. You are more real rather than just running a business online. There are many influencers who preach one thing and never deviate. But I am changing on my journey and I find that my focus changes. I agree with Lindsey and watch a wide variety of people on You Tube mainly to see what people are saying and doing. I don't think there is one answer for everything.

  11. Tiffany Korb
    Tiffany Korb says:

    We are all bio individual and different diets and lifestyles with work for different people. I follow keto people and people who don’t do keto, it’s whatever works for them. I just can’t stand influencers promoting such low calories then I totally unsubscribe. I enjoy people who focus on Health not Weightloss especially at all costs.

  12. Patty Lyman
    Patty Lyman says:

    Aw heck. What you eat is not even why I watch anymore! You guys are so down to Earth and so fun to watch each in your own way! I can completely relate to the notion of Keto keeping all bad diseases away. While although I have literally NEVER felt better my lymphoma has returned. So now my poor brain doesn't know what to do.

  13. Julia McGuire
    Julia McGuire says:

    The whole goal is to improve one's health, lose the weight , and become insulin sensitive. Better to be straight up and encourage helping others achieve those as well. I know I want to improve my health and lose the weight, become insulin sensitive and I'm not there yet. Still need to learn.

  14. RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=)
    RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=) says:

    As w/any subject matter, you're going to hear a LOT more from the very FEW negative people, than you will from the majority~ who are reasonable, open-minded humans who do not feel the need to comment/criticize- or even overly approve/applaud- other humans' evolution…we simply roll w/it, go w/the flow etc. No big deal.
    We are ALL evolving, & most reasonable among us are aware. While I understand your desire to clarify, perhaps it's a good rule of thumb to limit undue attention to the few unreasonable folks & simply carry on w/what you've decided is your own next best practice/ experiment /evolutionary move. *Btw, I speak as 58 yr old retired social worker who's been studying human behavior my entire life. We're just not that complicated, & most of us are quite awesome & easygoing~ or we want to be, we're working at it.😁Case in point; above foursome. Each of you have clearly demonstrated a strong commitment to wellness, personal growth & a desire to share w/& learn from others. Seems to me, that IS the point. 🎯It's also an endless formula for content if you choose to carry on w/creating such. Love you all💓Samantha Whitson

  15. Cindy Demanche
    Cindy Demanche says:

    I seriously enjoy all 4 of you, regardless of what your food choices are. Keto brought me to you all, but enjoyment keeps me coming back, so yes I would definitely respect all 4 of you ongoing.
    I only hope I can grow my channel the way you all have. I struggle sometimes of what to post, but also hope bits of my story will help someone, even one person.

  16. ItalianGoneCarnivore
    ItalianGoneCarnivore says:

    Sometimes as viewers, our needs change as well, and we no longer find a need for the content of certain influencers. For example, I used to be fixed on Dr Berg! Every live, every post – amazing how I would religiously follow him. I no longer watch his content simply because I had IBS and low carb was great for a season, but this next season – I'm a carnivore. Do I malign or speak evil of Dr Berg? Nope. Life's too short. He was a blessing in that season for me.. but now it's time to move on. As far as you guys go, you ladies are each so unique and so valuable! Keep sharing because there are those out there who need to hear what you're sharing! Don't take these comments personally and I know that's not easy! But, truth be told, God is on the throne, and you are being used mightily to help many people. Thank you! And keep fighting through! May God continue to bless and direct each one of you. 🙏

  17. Sylvia Spillett
    Sylvia Spillett says:

    I found you all from Keto but continue to follow you all for who you are and not what you eat. You do you. I have stopped watching more of the influencers that are dogmatic about keto even though I’m still keto.


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