2018 Shirley’s Eye of Round Roast in Slow Cooker

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Shirley prepares Eye of Round Roast in Slow Cooker on May 10, 2018.

21 replies
  1. Stəphªniə
    Stəphªniə says:

    I am not good cook.. I can make very few things. I thought you used flour, I like the cornstarch there. What is the difference? I want to use my porkchop grease and make porkchop Gravy, mine never turns out..

  2. Mark Herndon
    Mark Herndon says:

    I like how you did that to get the gravy perfect. Gonna slow cook mine here in a bit presently searing it. I had just put Potassium Chloride(trying to cut down on sodium) and pepper on the meat and saw you put garlic powder on so I added that real quick. I'm going to try something different with the vegetables this time being that I don't like how they have been coming out. Going to wait a lot longer to put the vegies in this time hopefully that does the trick.

  3. Alex
    Alex says:

    A more extensive rub should be applied on the beef before cooking. I'd also recommend to sear all sides to add texture and avoid the grey-colored roast that was made here.

  4. Michael Mendillo
    Michael Mendillo says:

    I really luv the look of the dark rich brown gravy !!! Oh, I can just see putting some of over some beautiful white fluffy mashed potatoes !!!! Thank you Mom !!! Cant wait to do mine , its here and waiting !!! 😁✌🕇💕

  5. weatherednboston
    weatherednboston says:

    There is a recipe on the net called "Shirley's Perfect Rare Roast Beef". It cooks in a preheated oven at 500 degrees! 5 minutes per pound. Then you shut off the oven and let it sit in that hot oven for an hour…without opening the door. It comes out PERFECTLY Rare to Medium Rare every single time. I just made it. I thought this was it…..I couldn't wait 7 hours. 1 hour is tops for me.


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