2007 Throwback Snake Soup In Hong Kong – Glen And Friends Cooking

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2007 Throwback Snake Soup In Hong Kong – Glen And Friends Cooking In 2007 Julie and I (and a crew) flew to Hong Kong to shoot a job for the Hong Kong …

30 replies
  1. Bonnie Of Ooo
    Bonnie Of Ooo says:

    Snake, alligator, squirrel and all sorts of atypical meats are eaten in rural and southern parts of north america by people of many ethnic backgrounds. Just pointing that out for the comment section bigots.

    Thanks for the throwback, Glen. It was interesting.

  2. Bobby Cheung
    Bobby Cheung says:

    I look forward to another throwback episode in Hong Kong that you have visited a local hawker shop. So I can show it to my friend's mother who is the owner of that shop.

    P.S. Some Cantonese foul language in the background at 3:55 which means literally "I slept with your mom", maybe it is your thoughts to your local guide when you taste the soup lol πŸ˜€

  3. Jake Yuen
    Jake Yuen says:

    In winter time if the bowl is legit, you will immediately feel β€œwarm” after a few spoon full but sometimes we joke that most of the meat is probably just chicken and pork shreds

  4. Dru Keck
    Dru Keck says:

    For archived filming and with you as the one being recorded – is Julie manning the camera or are you still setting up tripods/handheld for shots (similar to how you are filming the plane videos)?

  5. Norma Rossi
    Norma Rossi says:

    Dear Glen, I love you and your show, but I could never bring myself to eat a reptile. I lack the Chinese penchant for exotic protein. Frankly,, you didn’t look too happy eating that bowl of soup.

  6. Jeffrey Lam
    Jeffrey Lam says:

    That flower is chrysanthemum, which is "cold" in the Chinese medicine sense and balances out the "heat" in snake, and that herb is lime leaf, which adds a refreshing flavour. And to me those crisps are a must. Now in snake soup shops we seldom see live snakes as most of them have switched to frozen, giving your video historical significance.


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