20 Lazy Habits For A Clutter Free Home

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20 replies
  1. Scott A.
    Scott A. says:

    Gabe, love your videos. Been watching since quite early on and have watched all your videos. Really helpful and amazing tips that have transformed my life.

    Guys, subscribe and help this man get his Tesla!

  2. Yvonne Jackson
    Yvonne Jackson says:

    As a life long stingy person, I have to say it’s a rare individual who can tell me anything about being a minimalist that I didn’t come up with years ago. Congratulations Gabe

  3. Anna Jalapeña
    Anna Jalapeña says:

    OMG, I watched an episode of "Hoarders" and like 5 minutes into the first episode I had decluttered my huge collection of recipes. If I keep watching, my house will be minimal within no time. lol Love all of these tips!

  4. BloodyIRose
    BloodyIRose says:

    Its so funny to me how only seeing that you uploaded a video made me get up and start cleaning my house (didn't even see the video itself yet). I just did it and it made me feel good. I don't think want to live quite as minimalistic as you do, but I really like seeing the idea of it and which parts inspire me!


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