14 Day Corned Beef Brisket For St Patricks Day

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40 replies
  1. Jorts Kitchen
    Jorts Kitchen says:

    St Patricks Day Corned Beef🍀 Recipe below! 👇

    Ingredients and recipe:

    🔸4-6 pound brisket flat

    🔹4½ quarts water

    🔸2 tsp mustard seeds

    🔹2 tsp peppercorns

    🔸2 tsp cloves

    🔹2 tsp juniper berries

    🔸1 onion

    🔹3 celery Stalks

    🔸3 carrots

    🔹1½ tbsp pink curing salt

    🔸1½ cups salt

    🔹1 cinnamon stick

    Bring the above ingredients to a boil and once cooled, pour over a 4-6 pound brisket flat. Cover and leave in the fridge for 14 days.

    After 14 days, pat dry and season with paprika and cayenne pepper. Bake covered in your oven for 3 hours at 250°F or until your Thermopro Tempspike reads 200°F.

  2. Mojave Fry
    Mojave Fry says:

    Fun trivia, it’s that it was through interaction with Jewish-owned butcher shops in Mew York that corned beef made its way into Irish-American tradition. A nifty little bit of cultural exchange, I’d say.

  3. Faolan Grey
    Faolan Grey says:

    Corned beef hash always been a favorite for me. Just boiling it in a pot with cabbage and vegetables the finishing it up by baking it the rest of the way is amazing. A nice basic flavor no brining needed for me. I enjoy the base taste of the meat.

  4. Double A
    Double A says:

    Corned beef is not actually a traditional Irish meal. The Irish actually used "shoulder bacon" for a boiled dinner, but pork was too expensive in America, so they started buying corned beef briskets from their Jewish neighbors.

  5. D FH
    D FH says:

    Am I going crazy? This is not corned beef. Corned beef needs to be boiled with onions, carrots and other aromatics after brining. Not roasting it. This is like a weird pastrami and corned beef abomination.


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