12 Foods Every Prepper Should Hoard IMMEDIATELY

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In uncertain times, having a well-stocked emergency food supply is crucial. Join us as we explore the top 12 must-have foods for …

8 replies
  1. @virginiaarlington3764
    @virginiaarlington3764 says:

    thank you so very much – I've noticed other folks will make the list for other listeners. Good Luck everyone
    1) Potatoes
    2) Pasta
    3) Dry Pasta Sauce
    4) Instant Noodles
    5) Canned Soup Broth & Bullion Cubes
    6) Cereal
    7) Canned Fish
    8) Powdered Milk
    9) Cornmeal
    10) Dried Fruit
    11) Lentils
    12) Rice

  2. @xyz-qu4fs
    @xyz-qu4fs says:

    buy a bottle of multivitamins with long dates on it. you can rotate when it gets close to expiring but keeping a bottle of multivitamins would be very helpful.

  3. @arquivoyager2010
    @arquivoyager2010 says:

    The horrendous flood in the south of Brazil shows the need of hoarding food even for donation purposes, as hundreds of thousands of inhabitants lost everything including their plantations and livestock, as well as the food stored or on the shelves in grocery stores and supermarkets..

  4. @user-fv5ms4sz8e
    @user-fv5ms4sz8e says:

    Just in America alone, there are approximately 769,000 beef growers, 24,000 dairies, 67,000 pig farms, 168,000 chicken farms, and 4,500 fish farms. This doesn't include the tens of thousands of vegetable farms and orchards. America produces far more food than it can use and there is no reason whatsoever for food inflation in America or the slightest lack of food. Quit believing the lies, about food shortages are causing higher prices or shortages, because it's not about a lack of food, it's because they are selling too much of it to other countries.

    Here is a list of hard to impossible Illnesses to heal from, where people take medicine for the rest of their lives and suffer from amputations and intestine portions being removed and so much more. The cure is a high protein and good fat diet, also known as the Carnivore Diet. My recommendation before visiting any more doctors, is to start eating fatty Fish – Salmon, fatty Beef – 80/20 Hamburger, Chicken, and Pasture Raised Organic Eggs. Use real Butters, Olive Oils, Avocado and Avocado Oils, and season with Salt, but avoid Black Pepper.

    Here's the list of diseases that the Carnivore Diet cures.

    1) Hypertension
    2) Atherosclerosis
    3) Type 2 Diabetes
    4) Obesity
    5) Metabolic Syndrome
    6) Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    7) Crohn's Disease
    8) Ulcerative Colitis
    9) Rheumatoid Arthritis
    10) Lupus
    11) Multiple Sclerosis
    12) Migraine Headaches
    13) Depression
    14) Anxiety
    15) Eczema
    16) Acne
    17) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    18) Fibromyalgia
    19) Anemia
    20) Chronic Inflammation

    Don't take my word for it, try it and see if it works.

    Always try to get foods that are raw, wild caught, pasture raised, free ranged, grass fed, high Omega 3. If you have trouble with digestion, start off with ground meats, fish, or chicken. Never use any kind of vegetable oil. No sugars. Using digestive enzymes will definitely help, but a spoonful of apple cider vinegar before each meal helps also. No processed meats.


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