🙌🏼I FINALLY Maintained my Ferritin!! **Iron & Copper Update** Weekly Wellness Chitchat

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Find me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/indigonili My Recipe Blog: http://indigonili.com 0:00 Intro 1:09 Recap of my Iron …

33 replies
  1. Zaina Haddad
    Zaina Haddad says:

    Would you mind sharing what minerals you are taking? You don't have to share the amount but I'm curious to know what you are taking? Are you taking boron? Do you experience any of the mental issues associated with it?

  2. Michelle Baker
    Michelle Baker says:

    Hearing this has confirmed some things that I have been contemplating about my health. Different issues than you however I discovered that I had some needed minerals and supplements. Back on what I believe are my needs. Your journey, as hard as it has been for you, inspired me to figure out my stuff!

    Our journeys continue!!

  3. Kathleen Danzer
    Kathleen Danzer says:

    Congratulations on the positive results of your health journey! So good to hear how much better you feel. You’re amazing. You really have done a ton of research on how to improve your personal health. Good job. Thanks for taking us with you on your journey.

  4. Charlotte
    Charlotte says:

    I'm on a parallel journey with you and I've been following your saga for some time. I'm extremely happy the copper is working for you. My doctor put me on a schedule of 5 iron infusions 3 days apart and I chose to stop in the middle and give copper a try. The high iron supplementation and iron infusions were making my digestion crazy and they weren't helping. I'm crossing my fingers that I get as good results as you.

  5. Kelle H
    Kelle H says:

    Yeah! You’ve inspired me to start regularly taking Dr Barry’s Daily Minerals by Keto Chow. I mix it in my coffee with 1/2 pack of Chocolate LMNT and MCT Oil powder. So yummy!

  6. Nancye Boyens
    Nancye Boyens says:

    I am so happy you are feeling and doing so much better. I listened to you last video on your ferritin levels and iron levels. I too had very low iron and ferritin of 3 when was getting ready for surgery. They cancelled my shoulder surgery due to these low levels. Initially, they had me just on suppliments, but even though I doubled my numbers I was still very anemic. The hemotologist has now done two iron infusions on me and I will have blood test next week, praying my levels have risen. I started on small copper suppliment too. Wonder if that is helping. I am feeling much better also. I am 64 and have never had low iron. They do not think I am bleeding anywhere either. Like you said in this video, the iron infusion is a bandaid fix if you don't know why your levels are low. I was encouraged with your testimony of progress with the ferritin. Hope for the best for you.

  7. MA P
    MA P says:

    Sounds like they saved your health! Be honest and open about that and I get there is a bit of CYAhy for You on the “Tube.”😅But You sharing your journey may save some one else’s health too! Keep being honest and open. God bless you.

  8. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    Congratulations on getting those numbers up and steady! That has taken a lot of research on your part to find something that is working and not just sit down and say "too bad". I have heard that so much lately with friends who have medical issues and just want a pill and not find out what is causing their problems. I like the Wellness Weekly updates. That way, it can be flexible for the life you lead.

  9. Janet Deaton
    Janet Deaton says:

    Happy to hear that you found a new direction to go in to normalize your ferritin. I pretty much have had the same low ferritin my whole life. I have tried the carnivore diet with lots of liver without any difference. Also have tried supplementation. I will look into the recommendations from the "copper people" for guidance for myself. Thank you for sharing your positive results.

  10. Bee Happy TV
    Bee Happy TV says:

    I copped out on the copper bcuz it caused me to gain weight but happy that you're doing well with it. I just went with a Blood Builder vitamin, 1 tablet a day, and have crazy energy now. So an iron supplement is doing wonders for me. At 60 years old, I just started jumping on a mini trampoline 2 weeks ago and shot from jumping for 5 minutes to 60 minutes, and still feel like doing more. I can even jog on my treadmill now that I never could do before. And my weight coming down real nice. 😊


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