💚What I learned using a CGM for 2 weeks + My Thanksgiving Blood Glucose Data 😳

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Want more info about @NutriSense and their CGM program? Click here: https://bit.ly/3NkMXqb I receive a small kickback for …

20 replies
  1. Sarah Thomson
    Sarah Thomson says:

    Just thought of another experiment.. You could test out how much apple cider vinegar brings down bs.. I've always heard it helps to take some after a higher carb meal, but have never seen anyone actually test this out. This is making me want to buy one of these devices!

  2. Sarah Thomson
    Sarah Thomson says:

    It might be an interesting experiment to eat something higher carb on empty stomach and test. Then eat that same thing after having protein–which is supposed to modify (bring down) the bs spike up to 40%.

  3. Sarah Thomson
    Sarah Thomson says:

    Wow… Had no idea stress made bs go up like that. I wonder if our bodies utilize elevated bs in different ways, depending on what made it go up..? Too much exercise won't make you a diabetic, but too much sugar will.

  4. S Rezzy
    S Rezzy says:

    I’m so grateful for your scientific approach, I love your so realistic with your food intake, I’m keto/carnivore/paleo 80% is keto/carnivore with a splash of paleo on occasion. Thyroid hypothyroidism, hashimoto along with a host of other imbalances I’ve been told not super strict keto(0-20grams) more moderate, also oxalates/lectins I really limit greens. I just ordered ATHLETIC GREENS, as I know I suffer from malnutrition/malabsorption issues. Gonna start slow though, some nutrients are better than none. Praying for you and family, love to all! Metabolic flexibility is my goal. You want your body responsive, not to eat carbs and freak out on you. It should go with the flow.

  5. URwhatUeat
    URwhatUeat says:

    Thanks for sharing! Your numbers are fantastic! My CGM just arrived today. I had one about 2 years ago for 10 days. Learnings then: Orange juice is so much worse than an orange. Bread caused a small rise, but bread+sauce+meat+cheese (pizza) caused a +150 spike for 7 hours. Surprisingly alcohol had no effect for me. This time I am curious how I respond to allulose, erythritol, stevia, and L. Reuteri yogurt, and a variety of keto breads.

  6. Katrina Prego
    Katrina Prego says:

    I know exercise is good for you. I wonder if the rise in blood sugar due to exercise has the same affect on your A1c as a rise from eating a carby meal? Does exercise give you a higher A1c?

  7. Susan Beever
    Susan Beever says:

    One thing to be aware of is both regular and continuous glucose monitors do not measure glucose correctly when the glucose gets low. I learned this when I tested my blood from the same venous blood draw by the Quest technician at Quest labs throughout a 5 hour glucose tolerance test. My glucuse strip monitor values were 13-55 points too high while I became hypoglycemic during the test. I have done the test twice at Quest and showed hypoglycemia each time. My endocrinologist said it is because the CGM and regular strips are 25-35 points too high when it comes to low glucose because they only measure serous blood.

  8. RiteOn
    RiteOn says:

    Because of the relationship between blood sugar and insulin, what's missing is the understanding of how that effects insulin. When blood sugar spikes, insulin spikes to knock it down. Every spike is followed by an insulin spike attempting to control the blood sugar from getting too high. The crash shows up on the graph. Then, depending on how efficient one's body is in dealing with the insulin . . . well, that's what's missing in the equation of understanding. Too much blood sugar is lethal. But too much insulin is also lethal.

  9. alantooth48
    alantooth48 says:

    I absolutely love your channel You give out such great information. I love your step-by-step bread making ,before I became low carb I love to make bread . I became very good at making all kinds of different breads and I bought all the ingredients to make your best ever yeast egg white bread can't wait to try it out. I started making bread when I was 10 years old, on a cold snowy day and northern New York when I was bored to death and was curious and fascinated by raising bread It was like it was alive. I just kept trying all different kinds of breads and eventually got into artisan breads pumpernickel being my favorite. So I am very excited about trying this yeast flavored egg white bread I'll let you know how it turns out!


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