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예상되는 질문들 하단에 TIP 으로 적어두었으니 참고하세요. 집에서 직접 만들어 따뜻할 때 먹는 도넛은 사먹는 맛에 비할 수가 없을 …

41 replies
  1. Nermeen M. El Bltagy
    Nermeen M. El Bltagy says:

    Thanks for this lovely recipe I try it yesterday & it's soooooooo delicious & fluffy like a cloud 😀 & my favorite pizza dough recipe I got it from u really thanks for easy & delicious recipes
    Hundreds & thousands likes from Egypt 😊😊 ❤❤❤

  2. Wilson Starling
    Wilson Starling says:

    نحن المسلمين تكون عائلاتنا كبيرة وهذه الوصفة ستكون رائعة ومع حضور الاصدقاء ايضا ستكون دقائق تناولها لاتنسا 😂شكرا على هذه الوصفة انت بارعة حقا ❤❤❤

  3. 베이비
    베이비 says:

    직장에 이런거 자주 만들어서 가져다주는 동료 있으면 되게 좋겟다는 생각이 들고 저도 해보고 싶네요 ㅎㅎ
    너무 맛잇어보여요 ㅎㅎㅎ

  4. Gonzalo
    Gonzalo says:

    Oh, Argentina hay unas muy parecidas, les decimos Bolitas de Fraile, nada más que en vez de perforar y rellenar con manga, las bolitas de fraile son cortadas a la mitad (sin cortar completamente) y ahi se pone el dulce de leche o crema pastelera 🙂

  5. xunvenile
    xunvenile says:

    we call this Krapfen (or Berliner) in Germany. You can buy this in every local bakery with jam. When it's carnival season you can buy this with chocolate and other creams


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