⛄️What I Eat in a Day **Back to Baseline After Holiday Indulgences #keto #ketovore

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0:00 Overview of my holiday indulgences and baseline diet 3:57 Breakfast 5:17 Snowy Farm Fun 7:52 Lunch 9:46 Snack 10:07 …

38 replies
  1. Lana Phelps Good News Keto Grandma
    Lana Phelps Good News Keto Grandma says:

    I loved seeing the snow blanketing your countryside and house. Also, the kids and furbabies playing in the snow reminded me of when I was a kid. ❄

    I remember having an upside down old car hood tied to an ATV or a truck which would pull us around on our pasture. We had a little over 100 acres.

    Plus, Levi eating the snow reminded me of when we would have snow cream which was snow mixed with milk and sugar…I would love to do that keto style with sweetener and coconut milk! 😋

    Here in Mississippi, it is a rare occasion for us to get snow of any depth. It mostly looks beautiful falling and shallowly blanketing the rooftops, cars, and barely the ground. So, we would retrieve the snow for snow cream off the cars so we wouldn't get to where the dirty snow was.

    But, then, we have a muddy, slushy mess when the snow starts melting!! But, it's fun while it lasts!!

    We had a lot of fun when I was younger. So, thanks for the memories!! Love ya!! ❤💙💜

  2. Shirley Castle
    Shirley Castle says:

    I ate my weight in food I haven't eaten in yrs and loved every bite but I felt terrible health wise so now after 5 days I'm feeling good again. My body was in shock when I ate a salad. Lol A very Happy New Year to you and your family. Stay well and stay safe.

  3. Amy Schaag
    Amy Schaag says:

    This video warmed my heart so much. Your home is beautiful and your kids and animals are so sweet and adorable. I loved the music too. Also super jealous that you got snow for Christmas! Definitely none of that here in Missouri.

  4. Everything Nice 4 Dolls
    Everything Nice 4 Dolls says:

    I have got to get back to basics too. I need to start IF and less keto baked goods. I can tell that my face is getting puffy. That’s how I always know that I have gained weight. Of course it could also be water weight but whatever it has to come off.

  5. Becky Fischer
    Becky Fischer says:

    Your property is so beautiful covered in snow! I live an hour north of pdx in WA, we are in the hills and probably got 9-10 inches of snow! It’s beautiful to look at, but my car will be sitting in my garage until it melts! Can’t wait to see your butter bun recipe! I made Rhodes buns for my family at Christmas, they do look a lot alike and maybe I can trick them with the butter buns! Thank you for all your great videos, I enjoy them very much!

  6. Karen Hoff
    Karen Hoff says:

    Holy moly guacamole 🥑. The view from your living room with the snow and trees. Perfection. I made keto desserts and had too much erythritol! My body did not like it at all. I stayed keto but just more fat than normal and almond flour which normally I do not have. My end of the year goal was to be in the 140’s. Made it today 😊 by .8.

  7. EagerCrafter _
    EagerCrafter _ says:

    No indulgences, having the Egg White powder bread really helped as we did deli sandwiches outside for Christmas dinner this year. I plan my next "off" plan" day in Feb and again in July (when we go on vacation, no one is eating healthy in central NY (bakeries abound)).

  8. Rara Avis
    Rara Avis says:

    Well, I ate everything in sight and had alcohol every day for 5 days 😆.
    It was a planned thing though. I just can't do moderation, it's torture for me, so I rather eat and drink to excess on those rare occasions, where I'm shut into a house with tons of delicious food and other people.
    Because afterwards I'll inevitably feel so gross, I can hardly wait to get back to my usual meat and veggies fare.
    I expect to be back in ketosis by tomorrow and next week, when my body has settled back into fat burning mode, I'll do a 3 day water fast to get rid of the 2 pounds or so in fat I probably gained.
    Part of me is a little annoyed, that I'm not one of those people, who can just stick to their diet no matter what…but at least I don't derail permanently.
    I really want pickles now, though!

  9. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    Oh those beautiful pictures of the snow, the kids sledding and Levi and his snow eating brings back a lot of memories. I spent Christmas Eve on a "planned" off my diet night. I indulged in more veggies than I normally eat and some of Raisa's papaya that she cooks like applesauce. I felt it the next morning from all the excess carbs but right back to my carnito (heavy protein keto) diet. I will do it again for New Year's Eve, though I will cut back on the carbs this time. Then in January I plan to join 2krazyketos on a BBBE challenge. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  10. Carolejean6 C
    Carolejean6 C says:

    I’m like you it’s funny you don’t feel well when indulging.. I lost 2 pounds after thanksgiving after that week! But I indulged in fresh chips a salsa I only eat the the serving size So it wasn’t too bad I did have some chocolate, a sliver of. Pumpkin pie but I watched my carbs and caleries

  11. Michelle V
    Michelle V says:

    My god, that doggo's eyes.. how cute, i'm in love. You are such an empathic person, to your kids, your animals. They all love you and you understand them so well. I love that about you.


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