☀️Keep the Kitchen Cool! 4 DELICIOUS Instant Pot Dinners!🌡️

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Too hot to cook? Use these delicious Instant Pot recipes to whip up dinner without heating up your kitchen! DOWNLOAD THE …

37 replies
  1. Katy Larson
    Katy Larson says:

    Try using the same tool you use to break up your ground beef while browning it to shred your pork, beef or chicken …. Works beautifully as long as your meat is cooked enough.

  2. Joanne Mott
    Joanne Mott says:

    Hey 👋 Jen want to hear something sad? Most of what you make I have never tried before lol 😂. I have made tacos and lasagna but nothing even close to your meals. My mom was one of those meat, potatoes and veggies type cook. We would have lasagna and turkey dinners with the most amazing turkey soup, which I miss. 😢
    My son has made different meals that I have loved he can cook anything and he puts spicy together like a spice guru lol 😂. He has done that since he was 13 and my mom and I would be amazed but it came naturally to him.
    I just want to thank you, you have brought so much into my life and I wanted you to know that. I love watching your channel and always will, I love when you take us shopping as it makes me feel like I am out as well. I am disabled with a very bad back and I never get out so finding people that will go shopping with us is so enjoyable. Thank you 🙏 again.

  3. TeNice Xoxo
    TeNice Xoxo says:

    Can you share bone broth in the instant pot? I tried recently and there was room for improvement. I'm not very adventurous with my ip. I mainly use it for rice and beans. I've tried a few other things but not frequently.

  4. Kristen Evans
    Kristen Evans says:

    More EVERYTHING instant pot videos! I need help. I’m Still kind of intimidated. I totally need more. I live in Florida where it’s already a million degrees outside and not heating my house up is super important. LoL

  5. Valerie H
    Valerie H says:

    I like to use half chicken broth and half beef broth in pork recipes — kind of creates a hammy/pork flavor. And a splash of malt vinegar in place of beer.

  6. Donna Mckeller
    Donna Mckeller says:

    I’m getting an instant pot for my birthday soon and I’m somewhere between nervous to cook with it and can’t wait to not have to keep an eagle eye on my dried beans 😂
    I would love all the recipes please 😊
    I’m mostly using my crockpot this summer because it’s just too hot to heat up the whole apartment with the stovetop and oven.

  7. Marcia Lane
    Marcia Lane says:

    We get minimum 104-115 during summer…my house with ac on rarely under 80…too expensive to run…so any less heating recipes welcomed…I will try a couple here for sure.


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