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30 replies
  1. Crafting with Sandra
    Crafting with Sandra says:

    Just beautiful l needed this video. Family drama my 3 brothers are not on good terms at the moment. My 81 year old mama is praying that they speak again she prays that they speak before she goes to heaven someday she prays they speak what can l do to help ?

  2. Anna R
    Anna R says:

    I love that you don’t push keto and you never have. I tried it a year or two ago and it wasn’t for me. I’ve tried calorie counting and just about everything else and I’ve finally started trying intermittent fasting. I’m on week 2. I naturally am not a breakfast person so I’m hoping I can keep it up. It’s the nighttime smacking that gets me lol thank you for consistently showing up for yourself and I’m turn your showing up for us 😘

  3. Margie Duffie
    Margie Duffie says:

    I watch your videos all the time, but this one got me through 40 minutes on the DREADMILL…I struggle with 20 minutes…with trying to do cardio twice a week you are definitely my cardio go to… 💘 you

  4. Ellita’s Keto Journey
    Ellita’s Keto Journey says:

    Yaaasssss, I see you girl! Your comparison photos are fire! I’m coming for you! Definitely wish I could print that thing off but I don’t have a printer. Going to write it in my journal tho! Definitely so much to be thankful for! And you ALWAYS make me laugh! For this I’m thankful. I watched this while working out and literally laughed out loud when you was undressing. Absolutely love it! You’re my kinda people!

  5. Laura Gibson
    Laura Gibson says:

    Hi friend so proud of you you are beautiful !! Thanks for inspiring me i struggle with depression watching your videos helps me more than you will ever know 💞 love the leather pants on you was so pretty on you 💞


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