You need keto now more than ever

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You need keto now more than ever to help stay well. With less inflammation in your body, you have more resources and nutrition to help your body fight any …

27 replies
  1. Susan Baker
    Susan Baker says:

    Lovely Christina💐💕👍🏼 Thank you for your calm encouragement ❤️. I climbed a very steep neatly vertical hill and hiked Sunday. It was a thrill to do so at 57 with no pain nor shortness of breath. From Keto to Carnivore has upped my game 👍🏼👍🏼

  2. JuJu GoKeto
    JuJu GoKeto says:

    Thanks so much! Really good message! Staying strong in St Louis, Missouri. 80% of the people I work with got the flu, but I didn't thanks to being keto for 1.5 years! Fasting helps conserve food, and I refuse to go off keto because I feel so good. As another keto gal says. "IF HUNGER ISNT THE PROBLEM, FOOD IS NOT THE ANSWER". I keep telling myself this to keep me on track. Binging never fixed anything… God bless!

  3. miss red
    miss red says:

    I heard the opposite from an American doctor he said it makes us more susceptible and to go plant based . I nearly ate a loaf .
    Scary times ahead especially here in UK no fresh meat .
    On the hunt again today before we end up on lockdown .

  4. jefferstangier
    jefferstangier says:

    Thank you Keto Christina. I've been off the rails a couple times this past month after a couple years of great success with keto. My big advice with chocolate bars is try the 100%! What in America we call "Bakers Chocolate" or even better at Trader Joe's they sell Montezuma Black with crunchy bits of cacoa nibs in it. It may seem a little bitter at first, but my taste buds adapted and now it satisfies my needs better than any sweetened chocolate. Worth a try for anyone minimizing carbs

  5. Dee Egelston
    Dee Egelston says:

    I’ve been so stressed! Been wanting French fries from McDonald’s with a chocolate sundae. I didn’t go get any instead I ate pork rinds with hot sauce. I have so many triggers that have caused me to either not eat or over eat😓 but I got this thanks to you @ketochristina 😘

  6. lisa Gaye Alex
    lisa Gaye Alex says:

    This does seem true to me. I have asthma and I usually catch colds and flue very easily. I've been only doi g keto since Jan 1st. So just short of 2 months. Im down 18 lbs. BUT my husband and son have been fighting very bad colds for weeks now. I was waiting for it to hit me as well like usual. IT HASN'T.

  7. Shenandoah
    Shenandoah says:

    I am on day 4 of a fast to get back into ketosis. But I am also using exogenous ketones to make it a little easier to fast. My exogenous ketones are sweetened with stevia. I know it's not a perfect fast, but as Dr. Boz says, it's better to fail upwards.

  8. Shenandoah
    Shenandoah says:

    Wow, the first ad was about obesity and how many people judge or fat-shame people who are obese. I am one of those people suffering from obesity, and I can tell you that obesity is not just about eating too much. I had disordered eating as a teenager – bingeing, restricting, taking diet pills and laxatives. Parents freaked out when they found out, but I got no help. I was supposed to just stop. After I started taking meds for bipolar disorder I gained 103 lbs because those meds increased my appetite and caused me to crave sugar and carbs. I feel so bad about myself for that weight gain, and it has also impacted my mental health. My issues with food started because of trauma, emotional abuse and emotional neglect.

  9. Heart Weddings Photography
    Heart Weddings Photography says:

    Hi Christina, discovered you 6 weeks ago, I have lost 1stone 2 pounds, Im not a strict Keto fan but have tried my very best to cut out sugar completely. I want to say that your videos are very easy to follow Thank you. Other results. Asthmas has disappeared have not used any inhalers for almost 4 weeks, I have had an acute ulcer on my tongue for 18 months healed and almost no trace of the ulcer anymore. I FEEL ALIVE. and feel so much more happier, no more lethargic mornings, just bloody amazing, Thank you so much. Kerrigold butter is wonderful. XXX

  10. Lorraine
    Lorraine says:

    Cheers for this, Christina. I needed the reminder about the inflammation-reducing side of keto. As a related aside, WHO and others are saying not to take inflammation-reducing NSAIDs like ibuprofen and aspirin. Weird, but apparently these drugs reduce our immune response somewhat. Thank goodness that we can reduce inflammation naturally through keto. Thanks for the inspiration to do better.

  11. jojojobina
    jojojobina says:

    I did splurge today. However. I splurged by having a glass of milk, some Lilly’s dark chocolate, and a handful of buttery Brussels sprouts that I had just roasted for the hubby. So while that day not seem crazy by some it did put me to 25 carbs today instead of less than 20 like I normally eat. The milk was the most unhealthy by far since the carbs are all sugar but I simply had a strong craving for a glass of it. And, since I used to be vegan milk isn’t something I even really had much of before keto anyways.

  12. Jackline Staats
    Jackline Staats says:

    Thank you, Christina. Things in London are pretty diabolical. I have been staying on keto. My carbs come from nuts, fermented veg, olives, occasional leafy salad. IF is definitely on. Kerry gold unsalted butter is thankfully not rationed. Blessings and good wishes to everyone. Stay strong.

  13. Pam
    Pam says:

    Also would love to add that due to being keto/ carnivore I am able to intermittent fast without fear which I’ve never been able to do before. When I was a carboholic I fretted all the time about my next meal – especially when I’d feel that sugar drop low. I’m am more and more thankful for finding keto/ carnivore. Thank you for all the good advice and encouragement! 🤗

  14. davenport on
    davenport on says:

    Thank you Christina. I was heading down the "emotional carb path" then I saw this video. Your videos have inspired me to go for a 2 hour walk today. I will keep up my Keto WOE, and help others in anyway I can. Thank you for your inspiration.

  15. angela piccolella
    angela piccolella says:

    Definitely had a cheat or two this week, mostly because there is no steak or beef to be had in the stores. I feel like poo. No matter what you have to do, stay on track. Take it from me, its not worth it. I'm back to keto now. Waiting to feel better. Thank you Christina for these videos. You are amazing.

  16. D Shey
    D Shey says:

    Women who are still menstruating are also prone to binge eating at a certain time of each of their individual cycles, which is somewhere in the middle of their cycle. That is something to keep in mind, as well as emotions, which by the way fluctuate quite a bit for the same reason. I am 72.5 years old and tho it's been 17 years since my menstruation stopped I still remember the premenstrual symptoms I had. They were carb cravings, and, bloating, and fatigue. Hormones are so powerful.


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