WYW Live Hangout Ep 158 – Wholeism vs Reductionism, Simplify your diet, & Aging Is Normal

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On today’s hangout the we had a great conversation! We were able to cover various different topics. We discussed the differences …

23 replies
  1. Lulu & Meow
    Lulu & Meow says:

    You're a great couple and an inspiration for the WFPB community, your videos are full of helpful tips and common sense, I so much agree with your views on Dr Greger and Dr Fuhrman's overly-detailed and demanding approach, it is interesting but not for everyday life. Like you, I keep it simple, I also like Chef AJ, I am quite strict, a little bit like her because I love being very slim, it's worked very well for me and I don't feel I'm restricting or craving richer foods

  2. Jen Taff
    Jen Taff says:

    Hi first of all thank you for your show I really enjoy listening your ‘no nonsense way of speaking ‘ and the help you offer to people with your lifestyle. I am slowly coming round to allowing myself to eat more grains and not trying to be soooo perfect as like you say it’s hard to be so strict and eventually will give up! I have a question though, do you believe your lifestyle of eating is the best as far as the healthiest and is able to cure a lot of the serious illnesses out there like they say you can if you eat a raw plant based or a fruitarian diet!? Do you believe those lifestyles are probably more healthy but are just not sustainable for most people!? Thank you Jen

  3. Karen
    Karen says:

    No way!!! Earlier today I was searching YouTube for plant based rice wraps and had a (not so thorough) look on your channel and was thinking to myself you didn’t seem to have any Asian inspired meals.

    Just watching this now and 🤯 ok stopped at 4:25 to comment. Wow!!!

  4. LINDA G
    LINDA G says:

    What can you use if you don’t have Galaxy Dust…made the wrap today, didn’t cook the beans he said no cooking. They were nasty..yuck… loved the lettuce, tomato, pickle, red onion and Reebs sauce but those beans were not good in the wrap.

  5. Nancy Miller
    Nancy Miller says:

    Always love the hang-outs! Love having popcorn in the silicone popcorn maker that doesn’t use oil for a nighttime snack. If you want a little bit of salt, just spritz a little water (instead of butter or oil) and then the salt sticks. But… salt free is still best!

  6. Horny Koala
    Horny Koala says:

    If I have a choice between food presentation and speed, I'm choosing speed every time. I'm also not cooking for other people. If people want to eat the food I've cooked, then great. If not, they can cook their own food and make it look as bougie as they like.

  7. Anna Murtaugh
    Anna Murtaugh says:

    I've done that at a BBQ. I took the bun and had a condiment sandwich. Also, I was at a wedding once. They had a pasta buffet but only meat sauce. I saw there was hummus at the appetizer table. So I put hummus on my pasta. It was actually really good.

  8. Samantha O'Neill
    Samantha O'Neill says:

    Here's a suggestion or request how about doing a around the well your world recipes example veganised Russian dish, Hungarian dish like Goulash, Swedish dish etc. I think that would be a blast. Not sure what our Aussie dish would be as we just BBQ everything. 😂😂😂

  9. Tosca
    Tosca says:

    Lol, have been moving house and have given all the Michael Greger books away to the charity shop. I feel guilty. I will never forget how rude Greger was to Dr McDougall about refusing to debate the nature of potatoes. Am totally over Greger. Have never been a Furhman follower. T Colin Campbell and Dr McDougall are good ways to get going and keep going. Dr Esselstyn is a more specific bunch of issues if someone has heart disease imo.. I totally agree keeping it easy is the way to go and I heard a podcast last week from a researcher who said the time determined eating is a fad. Reebs, those flat peas we call snow peas here in Australia.

  10. Cyndy Mills
    Cyndy Mills says:

    9:15p m…. Looking for the chapter number of the potato biscuits. Also, Bringing a friend along with this WOE. And all that while your world has to offer. She questioned about the membership, and if she joined then canceled, would she lose all of the previous recipes as well… I didn't know the answer.


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