WYW Live Hangout Ep 141 – Weight Loss, Calorie Density, & Electrolytes

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WOW today’s hangout was amazing and full of #plantrants! We discussed how to maintain weight loss on a WFPB diet. Along with …

9 replies
  1. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    Well, after you did your last recipe in the I-pot, I saw one on sale locally. Almost bought it, but I have so little counter space that I had a second thought. My favorite garbonzo beans are now over $5 a can, so I got out the old pressure cookers, and decided that saving money was important right now. I didn't soak them, and didn't know how to cook them, so I put a piece of Kombu in the bottom, added the rinsed and picked over dried beans, and topped them with spring water. I didn't have the instructions for the cookers, so did my best to figure it out. While they were cooking I tried to look up some wisdom on the ol' internet. I have never tasted anything so good in all my life. Since then I've cooked potatoes. Turned out great! More adventures tomorrow, but just wanted to say that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I had these at home and it's not that hard to use the pots I've got. I guess the beans would be better for hummus if I soaked them first, but I'm pretty lazy about planning ahead. Thanks for talking so much about how to use the tools we use such as the pressure cooker, and the Vitamix. I sort of ground the gears off when I first had my Vitamix by trying to blend frozen bananas, and not letting them defrost a little first. It's still ok, but I did a little damage, I think. I finally realize I can't eat bananas, so I'm going to try sweet potato, and lots of other fruit like orange, mango, pineapple, berries, etc. For anyone who wants to try this way of eating, there's so many options I have found so I never wonder what to eat. Good luck to anyone who wants to try it. I'm pretty old and doing well. I think it's the food.

  2. Chad wilson
    Chad wilson says:

    Thanks for dedicating time to my comments. I do think I wasn't clear though . I'm not worried about how I look to the fat bikers I hang with .. I've proven my manliness . I'll tell u about it some other time . My concern is .. where r all the men ?? I don't mean the half dead 80 year old grandpas that r farting dust just trying to hold on for a couple more years . No .. I mean the men like us .. still in our prime.. I'm 46 .. and trust me son .. I can still get down when I gotta get down .. and I can still get up .. and get up and get up and up.. when that need arises too .. men with testosterone still pumping thru our veins . Where r they ?? It can't just be me u and rip esselsten . I just can't believer that. But it seems like it's true . I look at ur comment section and .. it's ALL women . Worker bees , office drones if u will . It's kinda crazy.

    Anyway .. I do have 1 serious question that bothers me . I'm a Christian. And I read my Bible I'm 1 Timothy 4:1-5 . And it most definitely don't jive with what we r doing . How do we justify this ? Not trying to get u on a spiritual journey or nothing . Just something that bothers me .

  3. Deb BG
    Deb BG says:

    Meatless 47 years, 17 of those vegan. I feel it's my responsibility to raise my voice for animals. It's easy to know if someone is genuinely curious about or stupidly challenging veganism. I'm happy to gently educate the curious, but I will 100% bury the obnoxious Neanderthals in facts. We must not let them feel comfortable attacking vegans. That's what they count on. I've heard vegans begin a sentence with, "Don't hate me because I'm vegan." Eff that.
    I'm vegan for animals, struggling with WFPB, so maybe it's a different situation.

  4. Leslie B
    Leslie B says:

    Having a sense of humor about being vegan/plant based is great. Your shirts are a great conversation starter. 😆

    I wish I could do a raw food diet but I feel my gut is not happy. Like my insides feel like they're being scrape. I can do some meals raw but not all. I am learning to listen to my body more and more.

    I am a work in progress and I am constantly tweeking my way of eating. I like the monthlyv challenges to help me see what works or does not work for me. My goal is to improve my health.

    Just getting off the processed food had a tremendous impact on my health. Got rid of a lot of headaches. I try not to obsessed with the micro nutrients for now.

    If people focus on my food too much or try to pressure me to eat their SAD food I say "that looks great but I'm lactose intolerant or oil upsets my gut". Then I continue eating my "vegetable plate". 😅

    Thanks for the rants!!!

    ❤🤗 from Canada 🇨🇦

  5. ljpardovega
    ljpardovega says:

    I watched your video plant rants 🤣and decided to go wfpb. I have been vegan for about 1.75 years but I have not been eating so good. Too many vegan meats and cheeses and desserts. I am ready to get serous and lose weight and lower my cholesterol! Thank you for this channel! I absolutely love it and the humor.


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