WOW! GreenStalk Vertical Garden Sweet Potato Harvest 2022

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WOW! GreenStalk Vertical Garden Sweet Potato Harvest 2022| Green Stalk Sweet Potato Reveal 2022 This year we decided to …

11 replies
  1. Bigmaude31
    Bigmaude31 says:

    I love potato harvests. I have two of the original GreenStalk towers and have strawberries in them. I have a problem I wonder if you or someone else have encountered. I discovered that bees have moved into one of my towers. I am assuming they have built a hive since they are coming and going. I can’t imagine where they have built in there. Anyone else experienced this problem? Will my strawberries come back next year?

  2. Heather Macy
    Heather Macy says:

    I had a nice harvest of Kaukura & Makatea Sweet Potatoes from the bottom tier of my GreenStalk.
    They did really well and I’m looking forward to growing a lot more of them next year.
    I grew 3 tiers of “regular” potatoes too. French Fingerling, All Blue and Amarosa. They all did great!!!
    My root veggies struggled a little bit though. I think they were too shaded by the plants above them. The beets produced a whole lot of greens but not much root.


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